f p foundation frontpage at francisreeves.com
Mon Nov 1 09:12:30 CST 2004

UK Members of Parliament, including the Cabinet Office, the US Senate and the 
US House of Representatives have had this delivered to them personally.

Please read it and forward to others who will find it of interest also.

FRONT PAGE FOUNDATION - Global Survey Analysis - US Election 


i)   Non-Partisan Analysis of Substantiated Facts
ii)  Survey Conclusions
iii) What To Do & Further Comments
iv)  About the Front Page Foundation

(email the Front Page Foundation if you need further details)*


The social and economic consequences IF the Bush Administration is 're-
elected' will be DEVASTATING.

- Global sentiment will diminish severely, leading to heightened civil unrest.

- Oil prices will uncontrollably continue to exponentially rise.

- Financial markets will go into reverse, perhaps immediately and 
dramatically, with the dollar being particularly hard hit.

- Global recession will ensue - an abyss we would find very difficult to climb 
out from in the current state of affairs.

- International trade will break down, with further damaging isolationism and 
unilateralism setting in.

- Food and water sources will become major problems due to purity, 
accessibility and security.

- Taxes will have to rise sharply in order to deal with the extra burden of 
spiralling, superfluous national security and military equipment expenditure; 
along with the already hindering requirements to deal with ageing populations; 
rising national healthcare bills; filling pension fund gaps; confronting 
environmental issues - predominantly 'climate-change' - and the need to 
develop alternative, renewable energy sources; as well as displacement and 
migration after becoming deeper issues, in part as a result of rising sea 
levels; excessive waste and disease management, and so on - a costly future 
already  it seems.

- Public and private debt levels will continue to escalate steeply.

- The wealth gap between rich and poor nations will become irreversible, in 
part due to induced corporate corruption, leading to further anger between 

- Freedom of speech and freedom of movement will be eroded even further.

- Privacy will be breached and become non-existent - if not already so.

- Democracy will be beyond repair.

- Poverty and despair will become even wider spread - perhaps due to further 
unnecessary wars.

- The Palestine-Israel situation will never be resolved.

- Cultures and civilisations will ultimately disappear - in fact, it is likely 
that 'human-kind' as a whole will move (even) higher up the extinction list.


Dear All,

You may think that this is simulating the Bush Administration's propagated 
climate of fear, but merely look at the facts. Facts do not cease to exist 
simply because they are ignored.*
The Bush Administration and it's corrupt network are nothing less than a 
menacing threat to our very evolution, effectively endangering our long term 

Although the world is finally waking up to realise that the state of fear many 
of us have been forced to live in has been manufactured; the recent US 
election polls show that it is confusion, if not 'doublethink', that still 
reigns amongst our friends in the 'dis-United' States.

Not enough has been done to allow the 'democratic voters' to realise the true 
issues at stake when they cast their ballots.

With our world now truly 'globalised' we are, as one world, inextricably 
linked. Consequently, it is therefore our duty as 'neighbours in the global 
village' to help reclaim democracy in any and every way we can; as to date it 
has been undermined, if not been put in a coma, by the 'un-fair' and 'un-
balanced' propagandist news flow which seeps out of every nook and cranny.

We must help our friends become a nation of 'United' States once again. 
Telling them we are supportive of 'them' and are happy to work together 
with 'them' - but not with the Bush Administration. That it is imperative we 
have the time and compassion to resolutely deal with the desperate global 
issues we now face - primarily caused by the Bush Administration.

Admittedly Senator Kerry needs a helping hand to become the 'required leader' 
of such a mighty country; however, it is ESSENTIAL that a Democratic 
Administration is voted into the White House in order for us to have the time 
to address these challenges. Presently we are running out of time. We have 2 
days to change the course of history.
For our world to have a sincere chance of going through this century, or even 
the next 4 years, in a civilised, prosperous manner, much has to be done. 
First and foremost - George W.Bush jr must go. It's time to BOUNCE BUSH.

There must now be more media responsibility and less media control, as it is 
the only route we have available to reach the American People as a whole, to 
enable them and thus allow them to realise that the path our future 
generations will tread is to be determined by how they vote over the next 2 
days. After that it will be too late.

iii) WHAT TO DO :

- Slap yourself across the face and wake-up - our children's lives, as well as 
our own, are at risk !
- Contact and/or send this to everyone in your address book - as soon as 
possible - from musicians, 'leaders' & soldiers to journalists, actors & 
politicians, etc - everyone counts !
- Do your utmost to organise for every NEWSPAPER around the world, obviously 
particularly in the US, to have a FRONT PAGE which sends a united message to 
our friends in the US - BOUNCE BUSH !
- Organise for the FRONT PAGE of your personal and/or corporate website to 
send a similar message of support.
- Don't just sit there and see what happens - it is undeniably NO-ONE'S long-
term interest that the Bush Administration remain in Office.

Remember -

You have to see your reflection each morning - will you feel comfortable with 
that on 3rd November ?
Destiny is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance - so don't push your 
luck. BOUNCE BUSH! It's just not worth the risk.


The FRONT PAGE FOUNDATION was established on 29th October 2004, during UNITED 
NATIONS DISARMAMENT WEEK - coincidentally the same day as Osama Bin Laden 
(allegedly) offered a truce.

The Purpose of the FOUNDATION is to initiate a 'TOTAL RETHINK' on how we share 
and manage our only world, by dealing with the primary causes of what are and 
what should be FRONT PAGE news issues, whilst relentlessly holding to account 
those who hinder the progress of our natural evolution.
Creating an international network of creative, lateral-thinking, pro-active, 
visionaries across many fields (our Ambassadors) and working with a broad 
range of individuals, groups and institutions, enables us to work towards our 
aim of creating a world community where antagonistic, selfish defence of 
national interests is replaced by diplomacy that reconciles the interests of 
all, whilst simultaneously fervently enhancing cultural identities.

Author  : Francis Reeves, Founder
Contact : frontpage at francisreeves.com
FRONT PAGE FOUNDATION can be found at www.francisreeves.com


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