[IMC-US] Roll Call

lotus lotus at riseup.net
Wed Feb 23 13:29:50 CST 2005

Hello. I'm lotus from San Diego Indymedia. I live and organize in San 

I've worked on SD Indy a lot doing editorial, reporting, and tech. I've 
also been working on ftaa imc since miami. I've been to some great 
mobilizations and worked with folks from around the country in NY, SF, 
Sacramento and Miami. I also do a lot of work with radioActive sanDiego 
and the Critical Mass Radio Network.

I recently became involved in US Indy editorial work when I started 
nagging bht about promoting our articles and nagging john with tech 

There's some great work being put into in indymedia.us and I hope that 
we can promote it as a resource so that folks are actually reading it 
who aren't already working on indymedia. I'm curious as to whether 
anyone is doing any kind of outreach for indymedia.us.

There are a few problems on the site now, like not having an ñ in the 
espanol link in the graphic and i think the list links don't work 
either. This weekend I was here in sd at a challenging white supremacy 
workshop so I couldn't make it to indyconf, but it sounded awesome.



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