[IMC-US] WMass report back

Tribal Scribal valeoftheoaks at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 20 18:43:23 CST 2005

Here's a piece on some of the anti-coronation demos in WMass. Not sure how 
you do the Razor Wire or whatever.


Northampton,MA- About 150 pro-democracy demonstrators marched into the 
Western Massachusetts city of Northampton at 4pm today in opposition to the 
inauguration of George W. Bush as 43rd president of the United States. Amid 
drumming, songs and lively chants, the group made it abundantly clear to 
onlookers that they were entirely opposed to "A $40 million dollar pep rally 
for the second stolen election".
Carrying placards and banners with messages such as "Bush is a Weapon of 
Mass Destruction", "Bring Them Home", and "Unleash your humanity, end the 
Empire, start the domino effect", demonstrators marched along Main Street 
(passing the destroyed facade of Starbucks) to Pulaski Park where they 
gathered for a spirited rally. One marcher who braved the cold with her 
young daughter pointed out that it's "no longer hyperbole to talk about 
fascism in the United States". She said she was there "for her child and the 
future of her country". If the demonstration in Northampton is any 
indication, more than a few of the woman's fellow citizens share her 

Earlier in the day, at the same time George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the 
usual neocon suspects were mounting the podium in front of the Capitol in 
Washington, students from Amherst College and nearby residents marched from 
campus into the neighboring town of Amherst. About 30 of them gathered on 
the northwest corner of the Town Common for a vigil. The spot is noted for 
its long history in the struggle for peace and justice. Every Sunday since 
1979 activists have gathered on the corner to remind their neighbors of the 
alternatives to empire and war. That kind of consistent commitment will no 
doubt be needed during the next four years here in the belly of the beast.

"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as 
necessary in the political world as storms in the physical world."

- Thomas Jefferson
more rebellion here:


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