[IMC-US] april 29 nyc

Stephanie Westbrook steph at webfabbrica.com
Thu Apr 20 18:37:17 CDT 2006


I'm with a group of U.S. citizens in Rome, Italy. We are planning an 
event on April 29, a talk with a vietnam vet and anti war activist who 
will be here in Rome. It will be at the same time as the April 29 anti 
war protest march in NYC. We were hoping to show some live 
coverage of the march during the talk. I am grasping at straws here, 
but can you tell me if there are plans for streaming live coverage 
over the web?   

I have tried in vain to contact the nyc imc. 

Thanks. We are really hoping for this as we want to call attention to
what's going on in the U.S. during our event. 

Stephanie Westbrook
U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice - Rome

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