Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Tue Dec 5 19:19:10 UTC 2000

howdy all, 

for those who want to look over the possible future IMC space, i need to
know every possible bit of FREE time you have this week (including times
when you can miss meetings, skip that fav t.v. show, blow off that already
scheduled event, etc.).

so, please send me a day by day blow of ALL your FREE time (as in "i am
free during the following times) between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. from wednesday
-- the earliest we can meet tomorrow is after 2-ish, so don't worry about
tomorrow morning to sunday before noon.  i apologize in advance if i can't
find a time when everyone can make it, but i will do my best, given the
information i have by tomorrow afternoon to find a time that meets as many
people's schedules as possible.  also, i'm going to prioritize folks with
construction experience/expertise (because one of the main goals for the
walk-through is to look at structural elements of the space and possible
problems), so if you didn't mention this during the sunday meeting, you
should when you send me your e-mail.

finally, if you know someone who is interested in coming but doesn't check
e-mail regularly, please either contact them to let them know (preferred)
or send me their contact information so i can talk with them.

thanks for your help and look for an e-mail tomorrow around 2 or 3-ish.


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