[Imc] Re: [Imc-newsroom] Rantoul considering maximum-security prison

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 15 15:11:09 UTC 2000

Rantoul didn't have enough available land (180 acres), so it is out of
the running for a max-security prison. However, the mayor, an
ex-sheriff/population-control freak, is still planning on having the
state prison people look it over, in case some other future project
might work out. So nothing right now, but...

A driving force behind many small towns' love of prison industry are two

1. The prison industry is the only current government job program that
actually pays a Living Wage or above.

2. Communities get to count prisoners in their census figures, and get
the government per-capita aid based on that, but don't have to provide
any services to the prisoners. Also, they don't vote while they are
inside. Easily controlled, undemanding citizens-the sleazy American
politician's dream.

Mike Lehman

Arun Bhalla wrote:
> I just noticed this story -- Rantoul is considering hosting a
> prison, another case of the prison-industrial complex in poor areas.
> http://www.dailyillini.com/nov00/nov17/news/news02.shtml

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