[Imc] IMPORTANT IMC funding information -- PLEASE READ.

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Fri Dec 29 19:19:34 UTC 2000

Hello all!

I hope everyone is enjoying the end of 2000.  I wanted to give you an
update on how 501(c)(3) [not-for-profit] status may effect you.  

The IMC will be applying for non-profit status within 15 months of our
officially organizing.  Thus, ALL DONATIONS WILL BE RETROACTIVELY
TAX-DEDUCTIBLE when our application is approved by the IRS:

"The effective date of an organization's section 501(c)(3) status
determines the date that contributions to it are deductible by donors...if
an organization files its application within 15 months after the end of the
month in which it was formed, and if the IRS approves the application, the
effective date of the organization's section 501(c)(3) status will be the
date it was organized."

You will need a receipt in order to claim itemized deductions (the e-mails
I have sent to founding funders will work); if you make a donation and
would like a receipt, please let me know when you make the contribution.

If you have any further questions, please let me know (just remember I'm
not a tax specialist),


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