[Imc] SOS update update.

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Thu Nov 9 21:57:18 UTC 2000


apparently, our name could be confused for a for-profit entity (i didn't go
into why this was a problem with the phone lady from the secretary of
states office).  so, after slogging through legalese with her (apparently i
passed the test because she then translated the solution into English), she
said that the easiest way to fix the problem was either:

1) add "foundation" to our name, or,
2) add "organization" to our name, or,
3) add "club" to our name, or,
4) add "(NFP)" after our name.

so, if folks have a preference, here's a few unconfusable not-for-profit

a) "The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (NFP)" 
b) "The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center Foundation"
c) "The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center Organization"
d) "The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center Club"

i want to send this back out in tomorrow's mail, so please let me know ASAP
what you think (otherwise i'll just pick one).  if folks feel that this
change should go before the collective (on sunday) let me know also, and
i'll hold off on sending this out.


p.s.  FYI, this does not affect our bank account, or anything else of
import, this only affects our ability to eventually become a not-for-profit

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