[Imc] AFLCIO on the Hanging Election

peterm at shout.net peterm at shout.net
Sat Nov 11 23:29:29 UTC 2000

This is from the AFL-CIO's new grassroots action email list.  It's
interesting that they're actively trying to counter the PR blitz that
conservatives (including the News Gazette in a big way) are attempting to
use to take the presidency.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 13:13:25 -0500
From: Working Families e-Activist Network <peoplepower at aflcio.org>
Reply-To: e-Activist Administrator <response at aflcio.org>
To: Peterm at shout.net
Subject: Take actionmake every vote count!

A message from the AFL-CIO

The presidential election has not yet been decided because of widely
reported irregularities in Florida balloting. The AFL-CIO and affiliate
unions have been contacted by our members and union retirees in Florida
expressing their alarm and concern about the integrity of the voting
process in Tuesday's election. Before a president-elect is declared,
reports of voting irregularities must be looked into fully so that every
citizen's vote is counted.

But many Republican officials, opinion leaders and some members of the
media are suggesting that Vice President Gore should concede the election
in Florida rather than waiting for a full and fair recount and election
examination process. That view is wrong. This is America. Count every

We need the help of every union activist in the country and our friends
and allies.  The goal is to make it clear to the press, our elected
representatives and our friends, family and coworkers that every vote must
be counted.

Here is what you can today:

1) Make your voice heard in your community. Contact radio and television
stations and newspapers as a concerned citizen. Click on the link below
for more, including sample letters:

2) Forward this e-mail to your union sisters and brothers, friends, family
and coworkers. Encourage other Americans to make their voice heard in this
critical time.

3) If you did not receive this e-mail directly from the AFL-CIO, click on
the link below and join the Working Families e-Activist Network for future

The goal of People-Powered Politics is to make the voices of working
families heard.

You are currently subscribed to People Power 2000, an AFL-CIO e-mail list, as: Peterm at shout.net
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AFL-CIO 2000

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