[Imc] meeting notes 10-8-00

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Oct 8 18:32:47 UTC 2000

This is a draft of the notes from Sunday's meeting.  If you see anything that should change, please let me know.

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{\info{\title IMC}{\author Peter Miller}{\operator Peter Miller}{\creatim\yr2000\mo10\dy8\hr13\min29}{\revtim\yr2000\mo10\dy8\hr13\min30}{\version3}{\edmins1}{\nofpages2}{\nofwords649}{\nofchars3701}{\*\company Illinois Education Assoc}{\nofcharsws4545}
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\par 8 October, 2000
\par at 1006 S. Garfield
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {
\par Attending:  Dave Powers, Sehvilla Mann, Mike Lehman, Sarah Carsey, Danielle Chynoweth, Paul Kotheimer, Sarah Kanouse, Sasha Meinrath, Molly Stentz, Brian Hagy, Ellen Knudsen, Paul Riismandel, Celeste Verhelst
\par Meeting started at 12:10
\par 1. Clarify Danielle's role
\par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {Danielle hosted meetings to kick-start the effort, but she doesn't want to be the sole organizer. Other people need to come forward to organize the information and make things happen.  Specifically, someone 
should organize the meeting notes: "I'm not facilitating because it's my group, but because I want it to get started."  Paul volunteered to facilitate the next meeting, and Peter volunteered to take notes at the current meeting.
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {
\par 2.  Things to do
\par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {Several items were raised at the last meeting:  
\par 1.    Name, 2.    News Collective, 3.    People list, 4.    Listserv, 5.    Website, 6.    Space, 7.    Incorporation, 8.    Funding, 9.    Equipment, 10.   Radio Free Urbana, 11.   Networking with Chicago
\par Setting this meeting's agenda:  Announcements/status reports for the whole group; then break up into small work groups 
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {
\par Updates:
\par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\ul Name}{ -- the names were reviewed (Urbana Indymedia Center, Free to Be Media, CU Independent Media Alliancs, CU Media Alliance, Urbana C
ivic Media Center) and a new addition was offered.  Community Media Alliance.  Since the lack of a name holds up legal incorporation, we agreed to decide on a name by the next meeting.
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {
\par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\ul Listserv/people list }{-- People can subscribe themselves to the email list.
\par }{\ul News Collective }{
-- People have done a few things: S26 videos were posted to the Chicago IMC site, and audio was played on WEFT.  Next "assignment" is probably the Nader rally.  Opening of local Nader office and air pollution from Emulsi-Coat are othe
r local stories we could produce. 
\par Oct. 15 is the deadline for getting S26 news to Jobs with Justice. Paul Riismandel will collect it and give it to Molly to send out.  People should give Paul R. any materials s26 materials they have. 
\par }{\ul Website/Tech updates}{
 -- Zach Miller said he could temporarily host the site, but not permanently.  If IMC improved his net connection and bought him a drive for him, he'd be willing to host the site.  Global IMC (G-IMC) has resources if we need them, but they're over-taxed.
  Molly suggested that we take care of our hardware locally but use G-IMC's advice and domain names.  We need a php programmer.  Zach is willing to donate things, now; but we should think about future cost.  
\par The priority for the tech group is building the website; after it's connected to the G-IMC site, we should think about upgrading locally (looking for local donations, e.g.).
\par }{\ul Physical Space}{ -- Temporary library: Sasha and Sarah will host the it at 604 S. Race; call if access needed 384-5346.  Main space:  Still looking.  Danielle and Sasha will continue working on it.
\par }{\ul Incorporation }{-- We should work on it. Sarah and Brian will work with Molly.  Dave pointed out that remaining a collective without being incorporated gives an organization freedom from g
overnment interference.  Danielle stated her desire to keep power with the participants, not the board (the OJC model).
\par }{\ul Funding}{ -- After some research, Sasha identified obstacles to funding:  "bad" foundations, little money for establishing indy media in the US, the need to fund specific projects, not general operations or start up.
\par }{\ul Equipment}{ -- Danielle is compiling a list of equipment that people own and are willing to share.  William Gillespie volunteered to set up the print media shop.
\par }{\ul RFU}{ -- The anti-LPFM forces are trying to attach their bill as a rider to an appropriations bill.  Mike will forward the action alert to the IMC list so we can all call our senators.
\par }{\ul Chicago/Coalition Outreach }{-- 
\par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Who's working on what?
\par }\pard \fi-720\li1440\widctlpar\adjustright {\b News collective}{ -- MarkE, }{\ul Danielle}{, Sascha, Molly, Andy, PaulK, MikeL,, Peter, Jamie, PaulR, JimB, Anora, Celeste, Sehvilla
\par }{\b Tech group}{ -- }{\ul Molly, Zach}{, Paul R, Ellen, Danielle (design), Brian, Mike L., Dave P.
\par }{\b Space }{-- }{\ul Sasha}{, Danielle, Jim Buell
\par }\pard\plain \s15\fi-720\li1440\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\b Incorporation }{-- }{\ul Molly}{, Sarah, Sasha, Celeste
\par }{\b Regional Networking }{-- }{\ul Paul Riismandel}{, Peter, Paul Kotheimer, Molly (consultant), Mike L (consultant)
\par }{\b RFU }{-- several... Contact Mike Lehman for info.
\par }{\b Archivists/Radical Librarians}{ -- Ellen, Paul Kotheimer, Sarah}{\b 
\par }\pard \s15\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {
\par Ellen raised the need to organize the information.  An Archive group was formed.  
\par Next meeting 10/15/00.  }{\ul Everyone should bring 3 copies of their S26 materials!}{
\par Meeting broke up into small groups at 1:30
\par }}

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