[Imc] About staffing the space..

Pauline Bartolone alice_redqueen at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 18:39:09 UTC 2001

I have a few anouncements about staffing the IMC:

First off, I set up a little staffing section on our bulletin board on the 
right wall as you enter the space. There is a contact list of staffers, a 
general schedule, a notification that we need more volunteers, and a space 
to post notes.  The space to post notes will be useful when, during the 
summer months, people may not be able to do shifts every week, and will need 
people to cover for them. The bullenting board space will provide another 
venue for people to notify others that their shift needs to be covered. 
Others can then volunteer to cover shifts by posting a note to the board. I 
will be checking the board space regularly to see who needs to be covered 
and who has volunteered to cover. Please make a note of it as well.
The board can also be used to give messages of all sorts to staffers.

Also, if you cannot do a shift, please send an email directly to the list, 
not just to me.

If you havent already noticed, daily tasks  for staffers are written in red 
on the large calender ( on the bulletin board).  If you have completed a 
task (vacumming, watering plants), please write done or put a check mark 
indicating that you have done so. This will avoid people doing the same task 

Lastly, the following shifts need to be covered...

Paul K. just sent me this notice that he will not be able to consistently 
staff the IMC Saturdays 12-2 for the next two months.

Also, the Thursday 6-9pm slot still needs to be filled.

Shilagh cannot staff the IMC on Sunday, 4-6 on April 22.
Any takers? you do not need to already be staffing to have a key to cover a 

Thanks so much, Pauline

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