[Imc] Printing, The Next Level, The Octopus

Jason Pitzl jpitzl at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 13 03:45:26 UTC 2001

In response to William Gillespie and to further the discussion.

"I see the IMC as a part-time conduit for art produced outside of it,
but not an arts organization."

I see an opportunity for real progress in coverage of the arts here in the 
C/U area, but I'm not sure the IMC should ever be an "arts organization" and 
if the IMC truly wants to branch out into more creative endevours then that 
branch would have to be much more politically neutral or suffer from drawing 
only certain artists and therefore destroying the point of a true voice for 
the arts in C/U.

"I am referring specifically to the sex ads which have
persisted despite the Octopus' readership complaining about them,"

Perhaps then we should treat the diseases of shame and repression in our 
society rather than try to eliminate the purly cosmetic symptoms that 
manifest as sex ads. There are far too many progressive voices on both sides 
of this debate to make it the one that decides whether or not to take their 

"My opinion is that the Octopus is an advertising sheet noteworthy only for 
its complete entertainment calendar."

That, I agree with.


Even the important progressive people? Maybe we could start a paper that 
encompassed multiple sides of a issue and encouraged discussion instead of 
meerly pissing people off, which isn't really that hard to do.

"I don't really give a rat's ass about Tom Tomorrow, in that all it does
is make light of things that are in no way funny."

Isn't that the definition of satire? If one cannot use humor and irony(black 
as it may be) instead of putting people on the defensive all the time with 
righteous anger, then we have already lost one of the best tools to reach 
out to others in the community that may not yet agree with our views.

"lack of community interest in serious literature despite lip service
given to art and attention to language"

Silly Little Trouser Monkees, Ides of March, Micro-Film, Low Hug, twenty-two 
and zero, the University sponsored Montage and a few others may disagree 
with you on that. Sure the people who are running these thing would like a 
larger audience, but instead of bemoaning the lack of community interest 
they publish and slowly bring people around.

"Spineless Books might be able to function under the corporate/legal/fiscal 
umbrella of the IMC."

Just as long as the IMC was prepared to offer that same umbrella, to all the 
other groups in town helping to promote the arts.

"("Zines", if you insist)"

and I do, I do.

Jason Pitzl
C/U Art
Artists Against AIDS
The Skys Gone Out
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