[Imc] News: Seattle IMC Visited by FBI & more...

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Sun Apr 22 06:32:35 UTC 2001

As posted to the Website 11:27pm:

Seattle 11:18pm EDT - The Indymedia newswire now says of the supposed FBI 
raid: "The FBI has visited the Seattle IMC and everything is cool and fine. 
There are no problems at this point. Please refrain from any rumors."
Quebec 10:20pm EDT - Audio: Darini Nicholes interviewing Celia Alario on 
some of the recent events and confirming that a medical station was shut 
down at gunpoint, tear gas can be smelled in the conference center, but 
summit meetings have not been cancelled.
Seattle 10:16pm EDT - The FBI are reported to have raided the Seattle 
Independent Media Center and to have a warrent to arrest Jonathan Jay who 
is the registar owner of the indymedia.org domain name. The reported reason 
for the raid is a posting that was written to the Montreal IMC site that 
wished harm to President Bush.
NOTE: Not long after this news appeared on the Indymedia FTAA newswire 
page, the page became inaccessible. As of 11:10pm CDT the page is back but 
any mention of the FBI raid is missing.
9:26 PM EDT - A Vermont IMC reporter offers this audio recap of the day in 
Quebec City.
Quebec 9:02pm EDT - This report says that Canadian police have shut down 
the medical center that is taking care of injured protesters.
Quebec 8:58pm EDT - Police Attack on Quebec Indymedia: This report says 
that that Canadian police have been spraying tear gas into the offices of 
the CMAQ, the Quebec Indymedia Center. CMAQ staffers are barricading their 
office with clothing to keep the tear gas at bay. Click here for an audio 
account from a CMAQ reporter.
U-C IMC Audio Report from the streets of Quebec City: U-C IMC reporter 
Peter Miller called in this afternoon to give us his report of what's going on.
Click here to listen to streaming mp3 (16kbps)
Click here to listen to broadcast quality mp3 (48 kbps)
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