[Imc] space meeting notes, 8-8-01

Sarah Kanouse skanouse at eudoramail.com
Sun Aug 12 16:17:22 UTC 2001

IMC Space Group meeting, August 8, 2001, 6:30 pm

Present: Russ, John, Sascha, Brian, Sarah (facilitating and notetaking)

A large donation of filing cabinets, bookshelves, a stereo and more will be delivered to the IMC Monday afternoon.  Russ will receive it.

Human Rights Nights
The Colombia Support Network will be showing videos adn leading discussions through September as part of the Human Rights Nights series.  Help is needed to schedule more presenters.  Brian Hagy has volunteered.  Other volunteers would be appreciated.

IMC-Study Circle Film Series
Sarah presented a proposal to Study Circles in June to co-sponsor a film series.  While they seemed responsive at the time, she hasn't heard back from them.  John, who sits on the Study Circles steering group, was unsure if the group wanted to persue the project or not.  Sarah will follow up with them.

Alix Olson Performance August 17
The performance will likely be packed, and we need lots of work to make the space look good.  Hopefully, we will be able to set up a Nader-event style video feed into the front room to accomodate everyone.  Brian, Sascha, Sarah, and Sandra will help with set-up, clean-up and staffing the event.  Sarah will contact the tech team about getting the video feed.

Movie Nights
Sarah brought up the idea of IMC movie nights again.  There was some confusion about whether the tech team was planning a movie series or a one-time event.  She'll check into it.

Nametags for Staff
Russ proposed that the IMC staff wear nametags while staffing the space so visitors could more easily find the proper person to ask questions of or ask to ring up a sale.  The group agreed to buy reusable plastic nametag sleeves for staff to use.  Russ will buy them.

Resignation of Spokesperson
Sarah resigned as space spokesperson.  Russ will be the second space spokesperson.  Sarah will continue booking the space.

IMC Yard Sale--9-7
Paul and Ellen are hosting a yard sale to benefit the IMC on September 7.  If you have items to donate, please bring them CLEARLY LABELED into the IMC and contact p-riism at uiuc.edu or knutson at shout.net.

Air Conditioner
Mike Lehman installed a timer on the air conditioner to help us control the IMC's temperature.  Please do not turn off the air conditioner or fiddle with the timer.  The group approved the new air conditioner use system by consensus.

Meeting adjourned at 7 pm.

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