[Imc] IMC Steering Notes 8-12-01

Paul Riismandel p-riism at ntx1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 12 18:07:33 UTC 2001

IMC Steering Group 8-12-01
Present: Ellen K., Mark E., Sascha M., Mike L.(facilitating), Paul R.
(recording), Brent M., Russ R.

Sascha: Still need help with accounting/books.  Two months 'til founding
funders start to dry up.  Need to raise $1000 for audio workstation.  Sascha
talked with Karen S. and she has a class that may work with the IMC to write
a grant -- a big one.  Get a prioritized list from each working group with
cash amounts allocated to things they need to expand the mission of the IMC.
Founding Funders should try to get caught up in their payments.  There is
$3000 in accounts payable owed to the IMC.

Russ: is new spoke.  Alix Olson concert is $7-15 on Friday night. Mike says
we got two really nice 8 ft. tables.

Mark: Having trouble getting news notes out on linux box.  Talked about
proposal to change name of newsgroup to audio group.  A lot of back and
forth, especially regarding the question of where to talk about stories in
progress, some in news group which was started for that purpose.  Consensus
decision:  first half hour is general news talk, and they will make the
invitation to other news gathering groups.  Second half hour will be
audio/radio show.  There is a difficulty that people don't necessarily want
to come to more than one meeting.  There will probably be a name change.
Need editors: 1 environment, 1 media, 2 arts, 1 gov't

spoke here, but no report.  Sascha asks: librarians still processing
periodicals?  Ellen says yes, though a small break happened.

Public i:
Aiming to put out paper on last Thursday of the month.  Almost all of the
sections have their first draft done, well on the way to being on schedule.
Darrin Crda will be stand-in editor-at-large for Omar.  Community profile
section has been folded into the community forum section, Shelly Masar joins
as editor of that section.

no spoke, no official report.  needs more people. 

Paul--tech is on vacation until 8/22.  We did set up a second audio editing
workstation in the production room.  It uses sound forge, records from and
to minidisc and works well.  Paul found an open source cross-platform audio
editing application that will work on Mac, Windows and linux--will initiate
installing it and testing.

Old Business:

Membership meeting--Ellen says the mailing to members was to go out on
Friday. Peter was doing it, no report on it so far.  Will need from each of
the groups three statements for the meeting handout:
1. General Purpose of the Group
2. a few highlights/accomplishments of the last six months
3. current goals and projects--things new group members could be involved in
Scheduled to have final planning meeting on Friday.

Regional IMC meeting: Sascha is trying to get it jump-started.

Video Group: Paul called it for Sat at 1:00pm, but may go out of town, so
there may be a rescheduling.

New business:

Paul has a question about Quad Day.  Brent says that Civic Action has booth
and the IMC will be able to put some stuff out.  Aaron will be there, Mike
L. will be there.  Brent asks how will it be presented.  Mike says its
officially civic action's group and we'll glomb on.  It's Tuesday the 21st.

Discussion ensued about the problem of consensus, especially as it relates
to new people, who don't have experience with consensus and the IMC's
version of it.  Ellen suggests that pehaps we should have consensus
training. Sascha suggests we have a one-page document describing it and the
process. discussion...

Sascha reminds that consensus is a decision making process, where decisions
need to be  stuck to.  

Proposal: keep a discussion about IMC decision making on the agenda, we need
to decide how the IMC will make decisions.  Consent.

Adjourn 12:00PM 
Adjourn 12:55pm

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