[Imc] Fwd: [IMC-Audio] IMC Gathering in DC!

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 15 00:06:45 UTC 2001

>Delivered-To: mediageek-org-paul at mediageek.org
>From: "Chris Strohm" <chris.strohm at iwpnews.com>
>To: <imc-audio at indymedia.org>, <imc-video at indymedia.org>
>Cc: <imc-print at indymedia.org>, <imc-tech-request at indymedia.org>,
>    <imc-satellite at indymedia.org>
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
>Subject: [IMC-Audio] IMC Gathering in DC!
>DC-IMC General Contact Information:
>Email: <mailto:dc at indymedia.org>dc at indymedia.org
>Phone: (202) 452-5936
>Come one, Come all....
>The D.C. Independent Media Center will host a Media Gathering Sept. 7-9 to 
>prepare for coverage of events around the fall meetings of the 
>International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The financial institutions 
>will be holding their meetings in D.C. during the weekend of Sept. 29-30, 
>and up to 10 days of alternative events and protests are being planned.
>The goal of the gathering is to conduct skill trainings, organize 
>logistics for running the IMC, and to give working groups the chance to 
>plan their production and develop their story ideas. We highly encourage 
>as many people as possible to attend the gathering to prepare for the end 
>of September.
>This email is broken into the following sections: GATHERING AGENDA / 
>The exact schedule for the weekend and details of the workshops are still 
>being worked out. An announcement of the final schedule will be sent out 
>once it is completed. If you have ideas for workshops or would like to run 
>a workshop, please contact the appropriate coordinator (see below).
>The (very) tentative schedule is as follows:
>Friday evening -- reception, networking, films
>Saturday all day and night -- group gathering, trainings, working groups 
>meet, party
>Sunday day -- trainings, planning
>We will have access to a working space with Internet connection on Friday 
>and Saturday. Other spaces will be available without Internet access for 
>trainings and workshops throughout the weekend.
>To make the weekend as productive as possible, please coordinate with the 
>working group you'd like to be involved with ahead of time. We hope that 
>working groups will be able to use the time to do concrete work on ironing 
>out their production. At the same time, we think it will be invaluable if 
>all groups spend some time on skills sharing to get new people plugged 
>into their projects, as well as other IMCers.
>Volunteer coordinators are as follows:
>Video: Eddie <mailto:ebecker at cni.org>ebecker at cni.org , Eric 
><mailto:ericgalatas at msn.com>ericgalatas at msn.com
>Audio: Rupert <mailto:dnrusso at earthlink.net>dnrusso at earthlink.net
>Print: Zoe <mailto:zoe_mitchell at yahoo.com>zoe_mitchell at yahoo.com ,  Chris 
><mailto:madformedia at hotmail.com>madformedia at hotmail.com
>Tech: Alan <mailto:bushnell at cs.oberlin.edu>bushnell at cs.oberlin.edu
>Photo: Annette <mailto:amnormand at hushmail.com>amnormand at hushmail.com
>We also want to have an online IRC meeting as soon as possible to help 
>organize the gathering. An announcement will be sent out when a time and 
>date is confirmed.
>The DC-IMC will help to provide housing for all who need it. Please let us 
>know when you will be coming to town, how many of you will be coming and 
>whether you need any special accommodations. However, housing is limited. 
>If you have contacts in D.C. you are *strongly* encouraged to seek housing 
>on your own. We also plan to provide childcare during the gathering.
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