[Imc] equipment

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Sat Dec 1 22:50:49 UTC 2001

hey folks, just a reminder, if you check out equipment, make sure you
return it on the day you say you'll have it back by (or at least call and
have the staffer sign it out for longer).  we've got equipment out that's
long overdue and people asking for it (especially the digital camera).
Things that are missing (and aren't on any check-out sheet, so we have no
way of keeping track of them) are:  cables (a/v and mic), ac power
adapters (to connect minidiscs to power outlets), cases/bags (such as the
field bags), and headphones (the big silver headphones are not supposed to
be leaving the imc anyways).  The tech focus group (and perhaps space)
will figure out some better system of keeping track of these things and
a procedure for contacting folks when equipment is overdue.

also, if you do take equipment out, make sure you are signing it out.
doesn't seem like that's a problem, but it's always good to refresh
people's memories about the procedure.


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