[Imc] Know anyone in Montana or Texas? ...or Illinois!

Michael Englert fungi at bloomington.in.us
Sat Dec 15 19:05:06 UTC 2001

This guy David Rovics (see below) is a great folksinger, of the radical
progressive and anarchist type.  He has played in Bloomington, IN twice
now and I've been in awe of his powerfully worded songwriting.  He has
just released an album, mostly about the U$ political situation in this
country and the consequences of our governments' decisions, and it is a
brilliant album.  For more info, see below.  He is looking to play
somewhere in Illinois over the next few months, and is looking for a
little help organizing shows from place to place.

Anyone interested?  Reply to: DRovics at aol.com
More info?  go to:  www.davidrovics.com

Just thought you might be interested.......mike englert,
					bloomington [soon-to-be] imc

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 12:41:43 EST
From: DRovics at aol.com
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Know anyone in Montana or Texas?  ...and other questions

Hi folks,

Sorry to send out two emails in one week here, I promise I'll calm down...
But I'm deep in the throes of trying to book this tour around the US and
parts of Canada which is to begin in less than a month.  Some areas of the US
are coming together well, but most areas of the country still have open dates
I'd very much like to fill with gigs (preferably well-attended and
well-paying, you know, but you can't always have everything, so I'm open to

In particular, areas where I'd like to hear from someone about a gig (or in
some cases even just a place to stay for a night while I'm passing through)
include all of Montana, all of Texas (but especially east and west), the
Florida panhandle, Virginia, Washington State, Idaho, the Dakotas, Illinois,
and the entirety of Canada (near the border with the US, especially Quebec,
Ontario and BC).  I've written to the few people I know in these areas, and
have gotten little or no responses, so the question is not so much whether
you live in these areas and want to organize something (although if that's
the case, that's great), but whether you know anyone in any of these areas
who might like to organize a show.

The other question I have is for any computer people out there.  I have a
large JPG (930 KB) and I'd like to compress it (or whatever you call this
process) so it still looks good but takes up less space, like the other JPG
files I have on my website.  Does anyone know how to do this and have the
appropriate software, so you can compress the JPG for me and send it to me in
a useable form?  (I know I've talked to a couple of web designers in recent
months, but I neglected to keep track of who was who in my address book.)
The JPG can be found at http://members.aol.com/radgrass/bullhorn.jpg

That's all for now.  Hope to see you on the road and in the streets.  And of
course, to see how my upcoming tour is shaping up, to listen to MP3's, etc.,
go to www.davidrovics.com...

--David Rovics

DRovics at aol.com
(617) 747-4460 (voicemail)
(203) 901-3306 (cell)
P.O. Box 995
Jamaica Plain, MA  02130 (USA)
www.davidrovics.com (or http://members.aol.com/drovics/home.htm)

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience…Therefore [individual citizens] have the duty
to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity
from occurring" -- Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

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