[Imc] Steering Group Minutes, 16 Dec 2001

Michael Feltes mfeltes at gmx.net
Mon Dec 17 01:42:26 UTC 2001

Mike L., Ellen, James, Russ, Mike F., Paul (facilitating)

No quorum at this meeting.

Group Reports:

- Mailboxes are in planning stage
  - Location: against wall near front door, or next to Production Room door?
- Thinking about location for another public access terminal
- James found a nice table in a dumpster; he'll bring it in

- We now have a library wishlist w/ book and magazine catalogs
  - Capacity to buy 3 to 5 books/month; feel free to make many requests
- Vertical files are almost complete
- 65 videos donated; interviews with literary figures
- The ONE BIG CATALOG project is going well w/ ISEN
  - Any local organizations with libraries of any size or scope that we
could potentially hook up with?

- December issue in layout, should be on the street sometime this week

- Mother Jones has a case fan 
- Hard drive for file server is in place
- ALL loaned audio equipment needs to be back by Dec. 17
  - Tech will be inventorying and repackaging MD recorders into "kits"
  - If all the equipment comes in, this housekeeping should be complete and
done by the 19th.  Don't let it drag out.

Old Biz:

Website Abuse Abatement
- revised policy has come back from the caucus for concerns this past Wed.
for consideration
- policy text is appended following these minutes

Passed pending approval from News spoke (Sascha and Brian, Finance and
Outreach, have assented)

James:  Will we pass the word on this to other IMC's?
Paul: Sure.  We'll see.


New Biz:

Holiday Schedule:
- the substance of the discussion can be boiled down to this:  if you, Joe
Q. Staffer, will be out of town, get a substitute
- the IMC will be closed on the 24th, 25th, and 31st unless someone really
wants to open the place up

Print Underwriters:
- Print Group is in the process of soliciting underwriters for the public i
to fund printing costs; what's the reaction?
  - put guidelines in place from the start, particularly relating to maximum
contributions accepted and who we won't accept sponsorship from
  - limiting the acknowledgement to the name of the business or organization
makes the proposition very self-selecting 
  - an article for the February issue centered around the questions "How
shall we fund the _public i_?  How can we fund the basic needs of a meaningful
alternative, independent press?" is a good issue around which to spark debate
  - WEFT handles underwriting by first, establishing a hard wall between the
programming committee and the financials of the station, and second,
assigning someone to make underwriting one of the focuses of their work

Facilitation and Meeting Schedule:
- spokes have changed and in some cases (Mike Brunell) not been replaced
- facilitation schedule will be revised by Paul R.
- no Steering Group meetings for two weeks
  - we're unlikely to be close to a quorum and will not likely get anything
useful done


Next meeting will be 6 Jan, at which issues of momentous import will be
taken up, namely, our basic plan for structure, the general membership meeting,
and our upcoming one year anniversary.

Structure document:
- the basic plan for the structure of the IMC implemented last February has
a one year expiration date
- this plan with any revisions must be reapproved by the general membership,
according to the original document's provisos

We will also consider refrigerator magnets.

Submitted for revisions and comments, 16 Jan 2001
Michael Feltes


Michael Feltes
mfeltes at gmx.net

The question is asked - can we afford it [Labour's socialistic 
reforms]?  Supposing the answer is 'No,' what does that mean?  It 
really means that the sum total of the goods produced and the 
services rendered by the people of this country is not sufficient to 
provide for all our people at all times, in sickness, in health, in 
youth and in age, [a] very modest standard of life... I cannot 
believe that our national productivity is so slow, that our 
willingness to work is so feeble or that we can submit to the world 
that the masses of our people must be condemned to penury.

- Clement Attlee, 1946

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