[Re: [Imc] possible stories for Monday's show]

Sarah Kanouse skanouse at usa.net
Fri Feb 2 18:16:22 UTC 2001

I've gotten some responses about the show.  Here's what it looks like now.

We have:
IMC intro/outro (30 sec)
station ID x2 (30 sec)
editorial on Ag Expo (Sehvilla--time??)
PSA on IP trees (Pauline--time??)
GEO kickoff rally plus live interview (Paul--time??)
interview/excepts of Laura Hershey speech (Brian--time??)
Grace Lee Boggs excerpt (Paul/Sarah--1 minute)
spotlight on national council of african american men/women (Sarah/Peter,
20-30 min)
excerpt of Randall Robinson speech (Paul--4 min)

There's quite a bit of material.  The potential stories I listed yesterday are
still fine, but there is NO WAY I can pursue or produce them.  I got a lot of
background information from Laura Huth on the IP and elections stuff;  maybe
someone is interested in doing print election coverage for the website and
possibly the Octopus??

I will be at the IMC fron 4-6 this evening staffing/editing on SERGEI if
anyone wants to stop by and offer to contribute/firm up their contribution.

Thanks for all the outpouring of love, juices and late night hospital
transportation from current and former residents of 1006 Garfield.


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