[Imc] IMC Librarians minutes Feb. 1, 2001

jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Sat Feb 3 18:26:45 UTC 2001

Enclosed is the meeting minutes for the IMC Librarians, Feb. 1, 2001

Present: Bob Cook, Sascha Meinrath, James Jacobs (minutes taker), Ellen 
Knudson, Brandon Bowersox

Not Present: Ann Wilkens, Carol Inskeep, Matt Murrey, Kate McDowell, Molly 
Stentz, ShinJoung Yeo.

Meeting called to order at 5:15pm.
Ellen Knudson, Facilitator

I. Ellen brought a proposal for time limit and general structure of meetings:

A. It was agreed that meetings will last one hour maximum unless there is a 
conscious decision and vote by attendees to extend the time.

B. The general structure of meetings was also agreed upon:
      1. agenda review
      2. report from Sunday IMC General Meeting
      3. Old business
      4. New business
      5. Set agenda for next meeting

C. Ellen agreed to be facilitator for the next 6 weeks, at which time we will 
shift those duties to another member by agreement of the group.

II. Ellen gave a report of the Sunday general meeting:

A. The organizational structure caucus met last week to draw up plans for the 
general working structure of the IMC. (see Paul's email to the IMC list Feb. 
2, 2001)  The proposal will be decided on at the Sunday Feb. 4th meeting by a 
yes/no majority vote.

B. Membership categories and rules were also discussed.

III. Database issues:

A. As per last week's meeting, Librarians took IMC materials to begin entering 
data into the database (che.onthejob.net/~bobcook/firstDraft) in order to 
gauge usability issues.  Ellen had several ideas for improving the database:

     1. The database is structured well for IMC archival materials, but not 
for IMC library materials (books, journals).  She suggested having separate 
input forms for archival materials and library materials.  The library form 
would include author/creator , title, contributor, publisher name, place and 
date, format/type, related works.
     2. Date fields need to be more clear.
     3. Currently it is unclear when a user is finished with the input 

Bob said that suggestions could be easily incorporated.

B. Sascha questioned Bob about when the database will be fully operational.  
Bob answered that the inputting function is available, but that the 
searchability function will take more work.  In addition, the user interface 
needs some work.  Suggestions will be incorporated by next week.

C. Sascha suggested a data input party immediately after the meeting next 

IV. Interim circulation system:

A. It was agreed that 1) IMC members will be able to check out items from the 
library; 2) 2 week check-outs; 3) overdue fines of $0.25/day; 4) magazines 
WILL circulate, but only back issues, not current issue; 5) Archival materials 
will NOT circulate; 6) a 3X5 card system will be put in place until a 
circulation database can be created.

B. Brandon will get with Bob to discuss the creation of a circulation database 
to interface with the item database.

V. Collection Organization scheme:

A. It was agreed that simple would be better.  James suggested breaking the 
collection into 4 general areas under the headings "Earth", "Fire", "Water" 
and "Sky".  These headings will correspond to more specific subject headings 
(i.e.. culture, politics, environment...).

B. Sascha suggested definition of headings could also happen at next week's 
work party.  We will look at the collection and decide what general subjects 
they all fall under. (BRING FOOD!)

VI. Other topics:

A. Kate, James and Ann will meet Weds. Feb. 7 to draw up policy statements for 
collection development, definitions of library vs archive, circulation. These 
will be brought to the Librarians' meeting on Thursday Feb. 8.

B. Sascha suggested we start to think about long-range vision to the library 
as an entity and as part of the IMC whole.  It was agreed that a vision 
statement would help the Librarians focus on goals.

C. Ellen wants to eventually create a "Progressive Reference Service" to 
facilitate the work going on at IMC.  Anyone with a reference question or need 
for information can contact the IMC Librarians who will dig up answers.  This 
would work hand-in-hand with a creation of "Progressive Pathfinders", web FAQ 
documents on current topics and issues.  These are some long-range ideas.

VII. Next Meeting:

Will be held on Thursday February 8, 5:15.

Agenda: --Database
        --Discussion of policies
        --Founding funder list
        --database entry and collection work party (2nd hour) Bring 
food/drinks for the work party!

VII. Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

James Jacobs

James R. Jacobs 
Graduate Reference Assistant 
Education/Social Science Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Home: 303B1 Paddock Drive  
Savoy, IL 61874           
jacobs at uiuc.edu
"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness.
These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest
questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate
every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather
there is." 
--Garrison Keillor, "Lives of the Cowboys"
"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single
man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a 
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (1900-1945)

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