[Imc] Twin City paper

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Tue Jan 23 06:45:37 UTC 2001

> Paul :   In response to the twin city paper:  I remember awhile back Zach
> had a suggestion about getting several progressive groups together to
> create anewsletter, and that way it would split costs.  I thought this
> was a good idea.  What do you think?

To clarify, my actual idea was even simpler than that. It was to get a
bunch of groups together to create a monthly mailing. Each group would
bring their _own_ one sheet flier or other mailing and all the fliers
would be stuck into one envelope and mailed together. No one has to
coordinate production and layout this way, everyone brings their own
stack of photocopies to the mailing party.

This is mainly a distribution channel and a means for several groups
to share their mailing databases.

But this is also basically separate from the _production_ of a
newsletter which is what Paul was talking about. Something we can not
only mail to people but also just leave around town at coffeeshops and
libraries and such. 

I'm all for both ideas.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology
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