[Imc] Tree Sitting story from AP

Randi Zimmerman RandiZ at WMNF.org
Fri Jul 6 17:57:03 UTC 2001

Here's the AP version.  Thanks for whatever you can do.

Randi Zimmerman
Headlines Editor

AP  v0849 ra 1nt-- Tree Sitters                            07-06 11:30a

  Police move in on tree sitters 

     (Bloomington, Indiana-AP) -- Police in Indiana are uprooting
some tree-sitting activists.
     Police are forcibly removing the activists, who have been
demonstrating for more than three months to block a new housing
development in Bloomington.
     Authorities say they've arrested at least three people on
charges of trespassing and resisting arrest.
     They say about four protesters planted themselves in trees at
the site, and at least 30 others are on a road outside the area.
     Environmentalists have maintained a vigil since March 22nd, when
one activist began a sit-in.
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