[Imc] Editor's Meeting Minutes 7/5/2001

Ellen Knutson knutson at shout.net
Mon Jul 9 03:15:41 UTC 2001

The Public I
Editor's Meeting 7/5/2001 8pm

Attending: Sandra Ahten (facilitator), Ellen Knutson (notetaker), Omar 
Ricks, Pauline Bartolone, Paul Riismandel, Paul Meuth, Belden Fields, John 

The meeting began by each editor giving a status report:

Community Forum: Dave Y. (not there) 1000 word article on the death penalty 
has been sent to Omar.
Arts: Sandra--8 news poems and a 150 word article on the up coming Street 
Theater done and to be sent to John.
Human Rights: Paul M. & Belden -- 750 words on Right to Communicate done to 
be sent to Omar
Media: Paul R. article not yet finished (agreed to have it ready to be sent 
to John by Monday)
Environment: Pauline 650 words on Wal-Mart done to be sent to Omar  Pauline 
will get photo to Darrin, possibility that Omar will also right 200 words 
on the distribution of spent uranium.
Government: Ellen article not yet finished (agreed to have it to John by 
Tues, provided the article is received from the writers by Monday)
Labor: Mike L & Dave J.(not there) two articles agreed to use one by M. 
Weisbrot word count unknown (2 pgs)
Feature article: written, Paul will have edited by Sat. 1200 words

Current total word count ~6000 plus news poems, visuals and other includes 
(such as who we are and what we do, call for submissions, what's happening 
at the IMC).

Paul R suggested we talk about what are preferences are for articles and 
the process for submitting them for publication. After much discussion we 
decided on the following statement for our preference of article topics:

"We prefer articles written on topics of local impact by authors with local 

Further, we came up with a process for how an article makes it to print:
1. writers, editors, citizens suggest ideas
2. editorial board considers the ideas
3. editorial board makes assignments (either to person who suggested idea 
or if they do not want to write to another writer)
4. Feedback to authors,
5. Issue finalization

We did not agree that this was a final version of the actual process but 
did agree to revisit it at a later time.

Because not all of the article were ready at this time, we realized we 
would have to push back the publication schedule. The current schedule is 
as follows:

As soon as possible all article should be to Darrin for layout. He is going 
out of town on Wed and will return the following Monday. All articles 
except for Media and Government and Politics should be to Darrin BEFORE he 
leaves (Darrin suggested by Monday 7/9). He will leave room in the layout 
for the two other articles if they are not ready before he leaves.

The final layout ready to go to the printer will be brought to the July 
19th meeting and will be taken to the printer early in the week of the 22nd 
dependant on when we can make an appointment with Villa Grove. Since Villa 
Grove can have it printed the day we bring it in, the Public I will be 
ready for distribution BEFORE our fundraiser on July 29th!!

At the end of the meeting, Belden voiced his concern about the length and 
frequency of meetings. He did not feel that he could commit to being an 
editor if it required a weekly commitment of TWO 1+ hour(s)  meetings. 
There was a general consensus that no one in the group felt they could make 
such a commitment, and although it was necessary due to the amount of work 
to do for the first issue, it is our goal that the print and editorial 
meeting become one and perhaps even go to every other week rather than 
weekly. Also, part of the goal of having two editors per section was so 
there could be some flexibility if one or the other could not make all the 

Respectfully submitted by
Ellen Knutson

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