[Imc] equipment

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 28 17:26:13 UTC 2001

Thanks Paul and Jay.  I agree with Sascha, and also tend to think that a 
computerized database is overkill for what we need, and is likely to just 
go unused.  As someone who runs an equipment lending facility as his day 
job, I'd say that Sascha's clipboard suggestion makes the most sense.

In terms of responsibility for equipment--I think that responsibility has 
to rest on the shoulders of a single group, and that having two groups be 
responsible will be like two outfielders running for a ball--it just falls 
between them.  Therefore I suggest that the Tech group take primary 
responsibility for the health and welfare of IMC equipment, and that these 
duties can be delegated as needed.  News should have a high priority in 
using equipment, but that shouldn't mean News should be responsible for the 

These problems have served to light a fire under my butt in writing an 
equipment use policy, and I will send that out momentarily.  I've tried to 
keep it simple and clear.  I submit it for consideration at Sunday's 
steering meeting, but since I won't be there I suggest that questions be 
sent by e-mail to me, and that perhaps final approval/rewrites/disapproval 
wait until the following Sunday (July 8).


At 10:33 AM 6/28/01 -0600, Sascha Meinrath wrote:
>great work paul & jay,
>i would suggest putting each of the 4 minidisks on top of their own 
>clipboard.  each clipboard would have the sheet to be filled out on it, 
>and would be specifically for ONE minidisk.  it is a bit more space 
>intensive, but this way we could easily see which minidisks are out (i.e. 
>the clipboard is there but the minidisk isn't) and we would have contact 
>info easily available).  i think it would also make the process of signing 
>out the minidisks much, much easier.
>also, as much as i hate to have to be suggesting this, people who 
>continually do not get equipment back on time should eventually be 
>prohibited from checking out new equipment.  the minidisks (and other 
>equipment) are a commons, and when people abuse this commons, everyone 
>suffers.  i know that people's current disregard for equipment checkout 
>has made both paul and brian's jobs much more difficult -- and has taken a 
>lot of their time.  in addition, several stories have NOT been done 
>because equipment that was supposed to be reserved was removed from the 
>IMC.  finally, i too am getting tired of last minute tracking down of 
>equipment that should have been returned long ago or was never checked out 
>in the first place.
>i would like to see a simple-to-fill-out sheet for each minidisk, and i'd 
>like to see people taking the 2 minutes to fill these out.  finally, if 
>you say you're going to have a minidisk or other piece of equipment back 
>by a certain time, please respect the fact that often people are counting 
>on you to have your equipment back on time.
>At 03:49 AM 06/28/01 Thursday, you wrote:
>>hi all
>>a few developments i have to report, of which y'all might want to know:
>>Jay Morris and i worked together to list all the potentially loanable
>>items in the production room cabinet.  jay e-mailed that list to Maiko,
>>who said she would be willing to turn the list into a production equipment
>>reservation and check-out database.
>>nobody has been using the current SERGEI-based equipment check-out system
>>which i designed to serve as an interim system until Maiko has a chance to
>>work her magic in computer-land.
>>what we could use is a simple paper-based system (a quarter-sheet sized
>>pad of equipment check-out sheets for example) for check out, coupled with
>>a routine whereby staffers regularly enter info from equipment check-out
>>sheets into Maiko's database.
>>this design would account for the fact that many people won't have time to
>>power up a computer just to do an equipment check-out, and would still
>>allow organizers and producers to ask a computer a question like (for
>>example) "where is minidisc recorder #2?" and get lucy's contact info as
>>part of the answer, along with the estimated return date, and other
>>reservations on the item. aside from the data-entry time delay--which has
>>been proven inevitable by the real-world field-tested absolute-zero use of
>>the current paperless system--the computer would (in theory) answer
>>what needs to be done for this system to be complete?
>>1.  design and duplicate the "quarter-sheet" equip check out form.
>>2.  train borrowers to use it ALWAYS
>>3.  complete and implement Maiko's database design
>>4.  train staff to enter data from quarter-sheets to database
>>5.  co-ordinate in-advance, from-anywhere online equipment
>>reservation with on-site-only, paper-based, spur-of-the-moment checkout.
>>this could be a nightmare, but what the heck?  it can't be too much worse
>>than what we have now.
>>that's my status report.  i'll check in with Jay and Maiko as soon as i
>>can about progressing toward a finished system.
>>P.S. what working group does this fall under?  i see it as somewhere in
>>between news, tech, and space.
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