[Imc] (no subject)

Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Fri Mar 2 08:10:10 UTC 2001

IMC Steering committee NOTES from 2-25-01

in attendance

Brent facilitating
Ellen K
Dave Witzany
Brian H
Paul K taking notes

one or two latecomers, incl. Mark Enslin, and one new face (an expert on
501c3 status--Ken?  Kent?  Kevin??) whose name i didn't record.


Brian H -- suggesting that we talk about hosting campaign activities and
our 501 c 3 status.  next week?



Sascha  fundraising going swell.  in need of a vehicle (car) for errands
to move a file from apartment to IMC space. 

finance group mtg.  founding funders still chugging along $1500+ monthly.

James asks what's our monthly outlay of cash?

Sascha:  impossible to know because of a preponderance of start-up costs
these past months.

$400 part of $1800...  some details i didn't catch.

is "Fundraising" part of "Finance" or separate?
act as one and the same for now.


protocols for space rental.  MEMBERSHIP form.  we got our first official
member signing up.  Sascha will be hitting people up for membership

Sascha explains diff. between member and founding funder.

Clarifies that there will not be such a thing as a "household membership"
as, for example, the co-op has.

"Barclay Desks" are being installed in production room this afternoon.


trying to get computer in "work nook" working, reinstalling WINDOWS.
attaching more jacks.  

all A jacks around the space work for telephones.  Suggestion: we need a
phone patched in at the -8821 phone number. 

hard drive | master boot record | more suggestions/brainstorming on how to
get "work nook" computer functioning.

Tues, 2/27 Paul R. will meet with Paul Adams from Priairienet in prep for
making IMC an official Priairienet site.  IMC GETS:  unlimited dail-up,
useful until DSL, and as long-shot emergency DSL back-up.

CONCERN:  lots going on in this room.  administration for the main site.
Wed 6 PM Zack will demo how to update the IMC site.  FLB room G27 or
elsewhere in basement.


need to regularize.  now OUTREACH is just a virtual group because of it's
multi-faceted nature.  RETAIL--fundraising 

an OUTREACH meeting will take place Sat. 3/3/01 12:30PM.


labelling books beginning & in progress.  Author/title shelflist almost
done and ready for database dump.

working meetings alternate with thinking meetings.

note shelves, and that color coding is part of the call number system.

BH  librarians and space need to co-ordinate front room layout for the
prospect of a retail space.

the need to have the library and the retail space up and running as assets
to attract membership.

HOW TO sheets for circulation/  

Collection development and archiving

NEWS-LIBRARIANS liason = Paul K., who unfortunately flaked out and did not
attend the 3/1/01 meeting as he had publicly promised to do TWICE.  but he
has a very good excuse, he swears.  apologies.


Climate survey:  Nancy and Gina L.  TUES recordings archived.  technical
problems!!!  assigning beats  reps for steering comm.  longer term story
on Todd Satterthwaite.

Paul R.  -->  where will stuff get put (published placed syndicated) 

WEFT program:  ISEN/permaculture/urban design group.

LIVE WIRE--Native Network News.  Sasca-- Chief dialog work in progress.  

SELF-EVALuation meeting was poorly attended.

SEHVILLAH--more discussion on posters on our bulletin boards  our 501c3
status  production (?) and 501c3 scenarios.

RE: Campaigns and campaign related stuff:  legislation says we MAY have
stuff like the PosterNation BUSH/GORE poster, but we MAY NOT carry
Chynoweth for City Council unless we carry all candidates' literature.

All it takes is one pissed off person to sue us into bankruptcy.

TECH | training sessions | upcoming NEWS meeting.

Molly Stentz will facilitate 3/4/01 Steering Comm. Mtg.

c/o the School for Designing a Society
409 North Race Street
Urbana, IL 61801
217 384 0299 phone (no fax)

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