[Imc] computers on the net

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Thu Mar 15 03:35:29 UTC 2001

At the IMC there are now 3 computers on the DSL connection.

There is Sergei. You should probably try not to use Sergei for random
net putzing when other people have audio work to do.

There is the AV Power Mac 7500 which has been put in place of the
6150CD that was in the production room. If you had files on the 6150CD
let me know and we can get it hooked up so you can get those files

There is a compaq 486/33 up in the front of the common room which is
hooked up to the net. This computer is slow and icky and will be
replaced by something better in due time.

More computers will be set up over the next few weeks as the tech team
finds the time.

If you have specific network or computing needs that are not met by
these 3 stations please contact imc-tech at lists.groogroo.com and we'll
work something out.

Share and enjoy. 

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
An amusing breakdown of how I want to spend 202 out of 168 hours every week:

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