Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Fri Mar 16 07:15:51 UTC 2001

hi friends and neighbors:

in a sentence:  The School for Designing a Society and Urbana-Champaign
Independent Media Center should support GirlZone's GRRLfest, happening
4/27-4/29, 2001, by joining on as one of a dozen or so participating local
venues.  if we don't, in my opinion, we're missing out BIG TIME on part of
our mission to foster local activism in our community space!!

two ideas for HOW we'll do it:

1.> IMC coverage of GrrlFest will be gathered, edited, and produced by
GrrlFest participants!  simple as that!  this will require a time
committment from women who want to teach and workshop aspects of IMC news
production. Pauline?  Sehvilla?  Nancy D-R?  Sarah Carsey? Gina L? Ellen
K.? you, among others, are on my list!

2.> the IMC back room will be reserved all three evenings that weekend
(4-27 thru 4-29, unless there's a conflict with the SchFDas Performers'
Ensemble.  **Is there???**) for GRRLfest all-ages performances.  MOLLY*,
can we put this on the calendar, pronto?  GRRLfest "central" will provide
us with a schedule of who will perform when, as well as take the lead as
far as promotion is concerned.  All we need to do is tell them it's

and then we need keyholders to host the space for those evenings.  i can
do them, if i don't get arrested in Quebec City.  anyone else?

below, you'll find specifics and additional info from Aimee Rickman.

i WILL be pestering *YOU* about volunteering.  count on it.

solidarity, community, and care,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 10:41:19 -0600 (CST)
From: Aimee Rickman <arickman at prairienet.org>
To: jacobs at students.uiuc.edu, asta at advancenet.net, enslin at prairienet.org,
     knutson at shout.net, p-riism at uiuc.edu


sarah told me that all of you are either interested in helping to work on
a workshop or project as a IMC/GRRRLFEST collaboration, or you know
someone at the IMC who is interested in taking part in this type of
project. great!

well, the fest is april 27-29...  it's gonna be so wonderful. we're doing
workshops for girls and women in areas that they might consider outside of
their abilities or interests. we'd love to have a project on media going
on in, or even throughout, the event - especially through the IMC.
thinking that perhaps having participants document or cover the fest in
different ways would be an amazing media project. we could have a workshop
of fri early  evening with y'all IMC staffers (well, workshops are
facilitated by females, except in rare emergency situations -thanks again,
mark!-), and have the girls and women participating the fest work together
in pairs or trios on stories, interviews, stuff like that...what do you
think? i don't wanna call all the shots here - you know the resources and
interests you have at the IMC that inspire you.  that's what we should
introduce girls and women to in the workshop. why don't people throw out
ideas you have for GRRRLFEST projects to the group here?  we'll brainstorm

hey, thanks a ton for your interest!  i'm really excited about this
collaboration. let's set it on up!

GirlZone coordinator
arickman at prarienet.org
637 4475

* ooh - we are also doing music showcases with bands and acts that have
female performers... would love to have the IMC host an all-ages show
one or two of the nights.... might this work?  please lemme know!

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