[Imc] IDEA for IMC outreach--pertinent to ALL working groups!!

Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Fri Mar 23 08:24:06 UTC 2001

hey fellow IMC-sta's:

HERE's an idea for general IMC outreach, that might be applicable to LOTS
of local direct action in town: INSTEAD of poking around the anti-chief
protest with a microphone and a mini-disc recorder the other eveing, i
have sent a letter to the PRC which says:  LET'S HOOK UP!

if YOU go to any street actions or whatever, YOU could do the same kind of
outreach and follow-up with the organizers of that action!!

we'll just see if it works!  here's a copy of the e-mail i sent out.

hey there, PRC-sta's

i am DESPERATELY seeking some coverage on the ANTI-CHIEF march of this
Wednesday for posting to our IMC website <http://urbana.indymedia.org>.

i know that there were at least two video cameras at the event, and
probably lots of still photos taken and journal entries written by protest
participants.  it's THIS kind of material which makes an IndyMedia site a
VITAL documentary of direct action/First Amendment exercise/civil protest,

we at the IMC would love for you all at the PRC to think of us as the
place where your experiences, your views, and your work can reach a local
and global audience!  i hope you'll PLEASE take the time to check out our


and upload some text, audio, or video which DOCUMENTS our struggle against
racism here in Urbana-Champaign, which VOICES points of view which the
DAILY ILLINIWEK and the NEWS-GAZOO are likely to squelch, and which
SHOWCASES the fact that activism and organizing of the high caliber you
all demonstrated on Wednesday is ALIVE and WELL in the 21st Century!

hope you'll decide to get in touch and use our resources to further your
cause!  and if you need technical assistance or resources to upload your
A/V, we either have the tools you need on site, or we can help you get
your hands on them.  so LET'S HOOK UP, for the sake of our common cause!

yours in solidarity and community,

on behalf of the NEWS COLLECTIVE of 
the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
218 West Main Street, Suite 110
Urbana, Illinois 61801


c/o the School for Designing a Society
409 North Race Street
Urbana, IL 61801
217 384 0299 phone (no fax)

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