[Imc] Re: [Prairiegreens] don't lose your chance to exclude the poor?

Alf Siewers siewers at students.uiuc.edu
Fri Mar 30 18:30:19 UTC 2001

Let's think about this for a minute from the standpoint of community
instead of revenue stream. We have folks in our (Prairie Greens) community
who would like to come to a Green event but can't afford it. I've heard
from some of them. These are folks who have identified themselves in our
larger community as Greens and have put time into Green causes/meetings
here. I think having a "tax the rich" event that "rich" Greens but not
"poor" Greens attend splits our community. Ends justify the means?
That's not what the Green movement is about-- rather I think of the
means justifying the ends. And, with all the respect due to
Danielle as (almost) alderwoman-elect, I still don't see a problem with
selling tickets for a $40 suggested contribution and then being flexible
at the door as space permits, still making a considerable amount of
money. If I'm remembering right from John Paul's e-mail, we've already
sold some 20 tickets at $40. The long-term impact of mandatory $40
admission on the morale of the group, and its attitudes about community,
are not worth a Pyrrhic $$ victory, I think. If we are going to adopt
Danielle's "tax the rich" plan 1, to be fair, no local Green should be
allowed to buy a ticket or be allowed entry, and those who want to attend
can put their names into a lottery to be chosen as one of the five
volunteers. Then those who can afford to pay should just put the $40 into
our treasury and meet Nader at the bookstore, as Danielle suggests. That's
just my opinion-- I know not worth 2 cents or $40 either! :) Alf

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Danielle Chynoweth wrote:

> Make your choice:
> 1. Tax the rich to fund the Prairiegreens for the next 1 -2 years.
>    $40 ticket firm price. 5 Green volunteers for the show pay $20 each.
> OR
> 2. Give 100 people a chance to see Nader in a semi-intimate setting.
>    (mostly active Greens will show up - thus you are taxing yourselves
>    slightly and won't make much $)
>    $10-50 sliding scale.
> My suggestion -- go with #1.  Don't tax yourself, tax someone else.  Don't
> advertise this to the Greens, advertise it to the community.
> This is not your opportunity to meet Nader (go to the Illini bookstore for
> that), this is your opportunity to fund yourselves.
> my 2 cents,
> danielle
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