[Imc] 5/27 steering committee meeting notes

michael dean brunelle brunelle at students.uiuc.edu
Sun May 27 18:42:23 UTC 2001

Steering Committee meeting convened at noon, Sunday May 27, 2001

In attendance: Paul Riismandel, Mike Lehman, Sascha Meinrath, Danielle
Chenowyth (not empowered spokesperson, but representing newsgroup), Rob,
Ellen Knutson, Brian Hagy, Richard Trepp, Sarah Kanouse, Mike Brunelle
(notetaker), Sivila

*****Group Reports

Space - Mike L.
Will probably get fan in production room soon.
Micah's shelves will be here shortly.

Finance - Sascha
New record keeping program (Quickbooks): be advised of transitional
problems (multiple notices, etc).
501(c)3 status- progress made, clarifying questions answered - we should
know within 3 months.

Librarians - Ellen
Databases planning and construction- Mikes Allman, Perry, and Brunelle
looking into SQL stuff -
Some New people to work on archive, stamp magazine collection, organize
zines, etc.
Suggestion: librarians can come up more tasks for staff - other groups,
Response: bulletin board space for group project, ongoing tasks

Tech - Paul
Mike B. named empowered spoke for 3 months
June 6 deadline to get computers working or recycled.  Won't accept
additional computers that don't work.
June 2. 11am - AV wiring session.
We are no longer logging IP addresses.
Web site software being updated.

Outreach Brian H.
No meeting this week.

*****Old Business

Print Report.
Now looking for editors (formal structure will be proposed at next
meeting.  Finished mission statement.  Will formulate statement of
inclusion.  July 3 = target date for first issue.

Personnel Policy forthcoming

Proposed changes to old slogan (don't hate them media, become the media)
Discussion: should we discourage the use of that slogan?  Is it bad?
Paul K.'s suggestions: "Don't just hate the media, make your own media" OR
"Produce the News that States your Views"
Consensus: new slogan is in order, but we should seek further options.

Paul R. suggests planning a general membership meeting (think about it
anyway)  -
moved to new business for next meeting

Freezer - Mike L. will buy a small chest freezer (cheapest option  ~5
cu.ft. = around $158).
Need to encourage foot traffic into space.

National Radio Project (program syndication and payment issues)

Sascha suggests 50/50 split of ~$150/5 min piece
Paul R. suggests  IMC's share should be reserved for production equipment.

Much discussion:
Usage policy intersecting with intellectual property rights; raises
general issue:
When is something an IMC project?

If people take individual credit for a project, what is the IMC's share?
Do we get one?
Relationship between people producing material, making money, and giving
IMC fair credit.

One thought: Get approval from News collective to say something is coming
from the IMC.
Issue deferred to news group for further consideration.

Event funding proposal, from Sascha:
Again, much discussion (and some yelling :-)
For sponsored events?
What is IMC sponsored?
Clarification sought because of  possible misrepresentation of the IMC
Where sponsored is defined by a working group?

Consensus: people should be compensated for their efforts to promote and
facilitate IMC events, however
Further discussion needed (several groups will likely take up the issue) -
formal proposal tabled.

Next meeting
Some decision regarding syndication/funding
Revised proposal on IMC events and compensation
Equipment Policy still expected
Sivila will facilitate

Question from Rob: are we revolutionary?  Not by policy, but by fact J.

Adjourned at 1:10p.m.

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