[Imc] In trouble: FSRN

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Sat Nov 3 08:51:01 UTC 2001

At 03:36 PM 11/02/2001 -0600, Kranich, Kimberlie wrote:

>The information below includes a plea for financial help from listeners.  
>WEFT Programming Committee Chair
>Consider this: your donation of $150 pays a reporter for one story.
>Your donation of $500 covers monthly travel expenses for overseas
journalists. Your >$1,000 donation pays for one entire Free Speech Radio
News broadcast. Your donation of >$1,700 covers the satellite link for a
month, while a donation of $5,000 keeps the show >on the air for an entire week.

>Without your support, this remarkable, truly grass-roots media effort
cannot continue. >Please give generously today.
>Alice Walker & Studs Terkel
>P.S., Free Speech Radio News needs your support to say on the air.  The
>Bush Administration wants to control all that you see, hear and know.  I
hope you'll >agree that a minimum donation of $50 to Free Speech Radio News
is a small price to pay >for access to the truth.  Please give what you can.

When I see appeals from 'celebrities' like this, I always wonder why THEY
don't just dip into their deep pockets and fund something they believe in so
strongly.  Between the two of them, I'm sure Alice Walker and Studs Terkel
could fund Free Speech Radio News for a year all by themselves without
feeling the pinch too badly.

Some celebrites even get PAID to appear on behalf of charities soliciting
donations, though I doubt that that's the case here.


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