[Imc] Help the Radioless in Honduras!

Andrew Trull android at clam.clamcenter.org
Sat Nov 10 19:52:42 UTC 2001

Attention human independent mediators:

Bill Taylor - who has helped build WEFT, radio stations in Honduras,
Nicaragua and India (for the Dalai Lama) - is now going to build two radio
stations in Honduras.  These radio stations in Honduras will serve the
indigenous populations who are without any means to communication in
emergencies (like recent hurricaines and earthquakes) or everyday social
life.  These radio stations will help save people and at least two
(From 1970 to 1985 the number of languages decreased from 4500 to
2700; i.e., in a 15-year period 1800 languages have disappeared. Given the
continuity of this current trend, 90% of the Human language heritage will
disappear during the 21st century)

Bill needs help with the project here in Illinois in two ways.

1) People and vehicles to help move equipment.  Bill is getting equipment
donated from radio stations and transporting the equipment to Honduras.
There is, thus, a need for a list of poeple who would be able to help out
when stuff needs moving.  Please email me and give your name and phone
number if you would be able to be called and asked to do this sometime in
the next few weeks.

2) Fundraisins.  The punch_bottom_line is moneyed. If anyone has any ideas
about how to raise funds for this project please contact me.  Bill has
gotten a grant from the funding exchange and it I'd like to see the
community match that grant.

Woohoo radio for the radioless!
Andrew Trull

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