[Imc] New wireless network

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Fri Nov 30 20:08:26 UTC 2001

Yay!  The wireless hub came in, and it is set up.  If you have an
802.11b card (apple airport, wavelan, etc.) you can use the following
information to roam around the imc reading mail and wasting time on
the web.

Station ID: "imcair"
WEP key: "free!"

This isn't an ah-hoc network; you'll need to specify the station id to
make it work.  The WEP encryption is optional; the base station will
accept unencrypted data.  The encryption is only 40 bits; there is a
firmware update to make it 128 bits, which I need to find and install.
Of course, we all use ssh tunnels for sensitive data, right?  Right?  

Enjoy!  Any questions can be sent to me or imc-tech.


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