[Imc] Library meeting minutes (09/25/01)

jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 1 00:31:26 UTC 2001

Here are the minutes for the last librarians' meeting on 9/25/01. Please 
forgive the tardiness of the report, but I was out of town. JRJ

Attending: Ellen, Al, James (minutes taker), Mike, Sarah. Meeting begun at 

items on agenda:
--Collection Development
--Web site
--IMC Librarians' response to 9/11

I. Collection development:

1. Sarah has the letter asking for donations ready to go to journal and book 
publishers. We were quite successful in getting donated magazine subscriptions 
last time and feel that it is a good way to generate interest in our 

2. James sent a letter to SPD books publisher (http://www.spdbooks.org/) 
requesting donation of their Lannan video collection. They have a program 
where they donate an entire collection of literary documentary videos (over 30 
total) of such writers as Gary Snyder, Denise Levertov, Philip Levine, Barry 
Lopez, Joy Harjo... We should receive the videos in 4-6 weeks.

3. We brainstormed about other ways of generating new items for the 
collection. Here are a couple of things that we will be working on in the next 

--Wish list. We will build a wish list of items (books, journals...) that the 
library really needs. This list will be put up on the board at the IMC and 
circulated via email to the general list. We will especially be looking for 
items of current and topical importance.

--Publishers' Catalogs. We will be going through publishers' catalogs in the 
coming weeks. Also, these catalogs will be placed in a strategic spot at the 
IMC for IMCstas to help us in generating the wish list.

--James will post an email to the main list asking for donations of 
alternative materials especially on the topics of terrorism, middle east, 
Islam, peace, Afghanistan and US foreign policy.

4. We feel that the current collection development policy is a little too 
vague and needs some work. The current one is at: 

II. Web site and librarians' response to 9/11:

--James will update the home page to make it more intuitive for first-time 
users. He will also update links (THIS IS COMPLETED). 

--We feel that the best way for us to get out a response to 9/11 is to create 
a collection of alternative information about terrorism, peace, Islam, and the 
middle east. Al has quite a few links that he will forward on. Anyone else 
that has links to information on this should forward them to Ellen. Ellen will 
collate them and mount them on the Library site.

Meeting ajourned at 9:15PM.

Respectfully submitted, James Jacobs

James R. Jacobs 
Graduate Reference Assistant 
Education/Social Science Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign                        
Home: 303B1 Paddock Drive  
Savoy, IL 61874           
jacobs at uiuc.edu
"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness.
These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest
questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate
every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather
there is." 
--Garrison Keillor, "Lives of the Cowboys"
"But to live outside the law you must be honest." R.Zimmerman

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