[Imc] Meeting minutes 10/21/01

jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Sun Oct 21 18:14:19 UTC 2001

October 21, 2001
Steering group meeting
Meeting called to order at 12:15pm.
Attending: Russ, Mike, Sascha, James, Mike B, Brian, Josh (NYC-IMC), Dwane 
(SPRGIMC), Daryl, (SPRGIMC), Joanne (Madison), Matthew (STLOUIS IMC), Eric, 
Heath (StLIMC), Finley (STLIMC), Jennifer (Twin Cities), John (Twin Cities), 
Chris (twin Cities), Paul R., Ellen K.

Working groups:
Outreach:  Gathering was a total success. “Meeting face to face cleared up a 
lot of questions and aided the process of growing IMCs”. “Getting us going on 
thinking about a lot of issues”. “Worked well together”. “Producing community 
is a really big step!!”. “Inspiring to see things working well with other 
collectives and getting reinvigorated with energy”. “Meeting people getting 
contacts learning a few things”. “Definitely took away more than I brought, 
learned some things and contributed to the process!”. “Very nice to feel so 
welcomed in the Midwest”. “Picked the brains of U-C IMC”. “Regional 
grant-writing coordination”. “Finally got a sense of what ‘indy media’ is all 
about. I’m energized and inspired me to do work. A coming out party in a 
way!”. “Honed my improv”. “Sharing ideas rather than teaching and learning 
dichotomy”. “great to put faces to email handles”.  Stay tuned for other 
comments on the website.

Librarians: Next meeting Tuesday at 8pm

Space: Next meeting Wednesday 6:30 A couple of things to look at.

Print: gearing up for November Public I. Good story ideas. Changeover in 
spokes. Mike B. is now spoke taking over for Brent. Distribution needs to be 
worked on. Recruitment is happening. New youth section is being talked about.

Finances: Going well. Still trying to get in contact with Amy Fry. $666.00 was 
raised from the regional conference. This will cover most of the costs of the 
conference.  Nancy is writing a grant. Grant-writing group will be kicking it 
into high gear. Grant-writing season is upon us.

Tech: The V part of the AV infrastructure is f&%*ed. There are a bunch of bad 
ends that need to be dealed with. Heat dissipation problem with “Mother Jones” 
computer. A VHS camcorder has been donated by Cope and Walter. A TV has been 
donated by Joanne from Madison IMC.  THANKS!!

News: no spoke

Old Business:

Front Window: Proposal will be tabled until next week. No quorum.

New Business:

Fiscal sponsorship: NYC IMC is writing a grant for $10,000.00 and needs fiscal 
sponsorship. We will be the official recipient of the moneys and then disburse 
it to NYCIMC.  UCIMC will get a 5% cut of the moneys to keep track of finances 
and do paperwork. Tides 911 fund is the name of the granting org. No 

Groo-groo pre-proposal: Project to move all groo-groo to IMC. Idea is to make 
transition of computer services to IMC to become a community ISP. Larger 
bandwidth, listservs,
Zach will do the tech issues and maybe become a paid 
admin in the undefined future; IMC will cover the administrative costs. It 
will be a “moving forward” of computer services. Concerns: what happens 
if/when Zach leaves? Hopefully there will be a tech team in place by then. 
What about stepping on the toes of Prairienet? We would be providing services 
that Prairienet can not provide i.e., CGIs and other web services. Hardware is 
already owned and now we just have to put it together. Sascha will come in 
with a more formal proposal in the coming weeks. Copies of the pre-proposal 
are at the IMC.

Announcements: No announcements.

Meeting adjourned at 1:05PM.

James R. Jacobs 
Graduate Reference Assistant 
Education/Social Science Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign                        
Home: 303B1 Paddock Drive  
Savoy, IL 61874           
jacobs at uiuc.edu
"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness.
These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest
questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate
every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather
there is." 
--Garrison Keillor, "Lives of the Cowboys"
"But to live outside the law you must be honest." R.Zimmerman

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