[Imc] Haunted Theater!!!

Brian Hagy bhagy at onthejob.net
Sun Oct 28 03:03:28 UTC 2001

Please forward this invite to everyone!

You are invited to the Prompting Theater's sixth annual Haunted Theater.
This haunted house is a fundraiser for the troupe.  The Prompting Theater
is a troupe of performers with developmental disabilities, and they
demonstrate that a disability doesn't imply an inability.  This can be
seen from the design of the Haunted Theater, which is every year designed
by members of the tech crew for the Prompting Theater.

The Haunted Theater VI will take place in Downtown Urbana at 218 W. Main
(the community center also known as the Independent Media Center!!!).  It
opens on Tuesday, October 30 from 6 PM-11 PM and then on Wednesday,
October 31 from 10 AM til 2 PM and from 5 PM til midnight.  A $5 donation
is the requested admission (or more if you prefer, heh heh).  The Haunted
Theater VI takes about 10 minutes to go through, or less if you run!

Although this haunted house is more designed as a fun house-like
environment, this event is not recommended for kids or adults who do not
like to be scared (there are lots of dark corners in this!).

The Haunted Theater VI is sponsored in part by the Illinois Arts Council
and the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.

Be scare, be very scared.

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