[Imc] Help With Garage Sale Sat. Afternoon

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 7 18:35:33 UTC 2001

Thanks to Mike Lehman, Sharon Irish, Sascha Meinrath, Mike Brunelle and 
Brent McDonaldwho have all agreed to help out with the garage sale.

We are still badly in need of people to help out in the afternoon, from 
Noon to 4pm--nobody has yet volunteered.  Especially, we need help around 
4:00 PM for cleanup.  If you can only show up for an hour Sat. afternoon, 
4:00PM is when you're needed most.

We hope this is a relatively easy way for the IMC to raise funds (not to 
mention help people clean out their closets and encourage reuse rather than 
throwing things away).  If it's successful this is something we'd like to 
help the IMC do every year--part of "success" is that there's sufficient 
help to keep it from being too much of a burden on the folks who step up to 
organize such fundraisers.

Please remember -- ALL proceeds from this garage sale will do directly to 
the IMC.  Please e-mail me or call (278-2274) to let me know when you'll be 
able to help out on Saturday.

The garage sale is this saturday, from 8am to 4pm, 104 N. Central Ave in 
Urbana, just one block north of Strawberry Fields.  If you need better 
directions, see the map posted to the IMC website: 



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