[Imc] Sanctuary status

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Fri Sep 14 13:57:46 UTC 2001

[ I'm sending this to the newly created peace-refuge list (thanks Zach),
as well as the general imc list, in case people on the latter want to
join the former.  You can join the peace-refuge list by visiting
http://lists.cu.groogroo.com/cgi-bin/listinfo/peace-refuge ]

Here are some relevant tidbits I have gathered and that folks have
sent to me in regards to creating a network of safehouses in the area,
as a continuing followup to the concerns over a possible anti-muslim
backlash which were raised at the imc meeting on 9/11.

(1) It looks like CUECOS is mostly extinct, but people originally
involved from various churches (IDF, Channing-Murray/UU Church,
McKinley Presbyterian Church, Friends Meeting, St. Mary Catholic
Church) might be helpful in constructing a new network.  I've CC'd
David Griffiths in the hopes that he can provide further information
in this regard.  It would be great to find people who have previous
experience constructing networks of this sort.

(2) The CIMIC (the mosque on lincoln) will be holding a community
discussion tonight, open to any concerned invidiuals and
organizations.  The Imam from the mosque originally indicated the time
to be 7:30pm, though I have heard 9:30 as well.  If someone can
clarify, that would be good; I'll try contacting the mosque today to
find out.  (This unfortunately conflicts with the IMC Carnival

(3) As far as I can tell as of phone calls yesterday, the university
still has no plans to provide safehouses or other measures.

(4) I'm still collecting names and contact information of people
interested in providing any form of sanctuary as part of this effort.
If you are interested, please email me directly (cpopetz at cpopetz.com)
and put the word "sanctuary" somewhere in the subject.  I'd like to
clarify that you don't need to have to have a spare room, or a spare
bed, or whatever to help.  If you have a roof, a couch, floor space
for a sleeping bag, or just a safe place to rest and make a phone
call, that could be useful if things get bad.  Also, several people
have indicated a willingness to provide "walking partners" at night,
which I think is an excellent idea, although the logistics seem

Thanks to everyone that has responded, and those who have pointed me
towards other people that can help.  The news reports of attacks on
Muslims and people of Arabic descent are still coming in, so I think
our efforts here can really help make difference.


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