[Imc] NYC IMC - Indypendent on-line:

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Thu Apr 25 19:08:33 UTC 2002

At 11:33 AM 04/25/2002 -0500, Sascha Meinrath wrote:

>Hi all,
>I thought you might be interested in the latest paper the NYC IMC put out
>(the NYC IMC is sponsored by us):
>Especially given the most recent discussion about the Public i, I thought
>this would be particularly salient,

I found it fascinating.  There was a wide variety of topics covered, all of
a more-or-less political nature.....very much like the public i, except that
the content was more international and less local in scope.  That's one of
the things we've talked about periodically.

And the writing was uniformly superb.  Either they recruited a whole bunch
of people who are or who could be professional journalists, or else there's
a whole lotta EDITING goin' on.  How much you wanna bet there's a hierarchy
of some sort?


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