[Imc] Public i - "customer" input

Chas. 'Mark' Bee c-bee1 at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 25 21:42:46 UTC 2002

   Hi, all - as someone with about a 25% chance of being in any
particular 'choir', I thought I'd chime in and say that I have always
found the Public i interesting to read, and *never* boring.  I've seen
meetings, media, and organizations damaged by trying to get away from
someone's idea of 'boring' as an additional goal; I'll not name names.

   Here's one vote for keeping it available for the general public to
publish in, instead of turning it over to special interests at the
expense of other topics.

   And also one vote for occasional editing in order to keep up the
trustworthiness of the contents in general.  As the Octopus has tended
to degenerate into partisanship and propaganda, the Public i has made
strides away from that, and now reads like a news source that Joe
Lunchpail can pick up and read without having to disregard half of the
contents or pitch the paper in disgust.

   I think that's important in order to keep info flowing to those who
need to be made aware of it, and not just those looking for an
adrenaline rush.  A publication that exclusively preaches to the choir
is in reality an internal newsletter, not an effective venue for public
expression.  Let outside organizations print their own newsletters.

   IMO, the paper is on the right track.  It might need more snazzy
mastheads or something, but I've always enjoyed it so far.  Great job
all around, I say.

   Just my 3 cents -  CMB, a regular reader

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