[Imc] 8-18-02 Steering Group Minutes

Russell A Rybicki russrybicki01 at juno.com
Sun Aug 18 20:04:12 UTC 2002

08-18-2002 Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center Steering Group

Present: Mike L., Sascha M., Amy G., Dan C., Brian H., and Russ R.

Mike L. convener, Russ R. note-taker

Working Groups Reports:

Some people have said that the bathroom is not fixed, but appeared to be
There are too many flies.  Recommended everyone be careful not to leave
food around that attracts flies.
Mike L. will work on lights in the middle room.

Founding Funder letters requesting them to provide sustaining funding
went out.  Also a request for donations was published on the web site.
We are sill running a deficit.
The IRS charged us $12 for a late fee.  Sascha had to fill out schedule A
IRS documents.  Our 2nd sales tax audit showed a match between our
records and the IRS's

Developed an Art Proposal to develop essentially an Art coordinator to be
discussed under New Business.

Tech- No Spoke


Print- No Spoke.

Old Business

don't have quorum.

The hacker is still visiting daily and being dealt with.

Clint is working on DADA web site software.  Discussed setting a meeting
to determine how the newswire and the features sections should be
arranged and operate.

New Business

There is an Independent Newspaper Conference on Sept. 8th-10th that will
be here in town.  We need a volunteer to participate in the conference. 
Sascha has the application and just needs to know who's name to put on

Art Proposal:
Reviewed art proposal that was posted to the IMC e-list.  The Steering
Group was very much in favor of the proposal.  We just had a few concerns
that should be easy to work out.

A question was asked if limiting the maximum number of curators to 3
would be discouraging to the public.  It was decided to remove this
clause and let the Show Group coordinate art exhibits in any way they
wish.  It was noted that no other group has a written guideline as to how
to coordinate activities in favor of letting the group process work this

A question was asked if painting the room white might not be warm enough
to be inviting to other uses of the room.  The need of a neutral color
for art shows was discussed.  The concern was not a blocking concern.

A question was aked if  we need to  develop a policy regarding the sale
of art and what would be our cut on such sales.  It was agreed to develop
such a policy.

A question was asked if we need to develop a clearer dual space use
policy especially regarding the storage space and chairs.  It was noted
that now there is not enough space in the storage area for the chairs as
it is currently used and that  there was a discussion of putting a wall
up there.

It was decided to give IMC members 2 more weeks to look this over before
final approval.  This was to assure that everyone has had a chance to
look it over, express any concern,  and become comfortable with it. 
Again, the steering group is very much in favor of the proposal and just
wants to make sure everyone will be ok with it.

We will cosponsor the AWARE antiwar teach-in pending no block from
missing spokes.

Max Follmer wrote us asking us to remove the comments he made to Nadine
Malik on a piece she published on the newswire.  He noted that it was his
understanding that she was  a Daily Illini reporter and not an IMC
reporter.  We will contact Nadine to get her side of this issue and let
Max know he is free to write a response to her piece in the comment
section of her piece on the newswire.

Respectfully submitted by Russ R.

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