[Imc] Finance Group Meeting Minutes (8/21/02):

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Aug 23 17:33:46 UTC 2002

Finance Group Meeting Minutes (8/21/02):

Attending: Paul R., Sascha M., Mike L.

Letters to founding funders have been sent out.  Following suggestions
from funders, Paul will produce a brief summary of IMC finances.  A couple
sustainers have renewed their contributions, the finance group hopes that
more will be forthcomming.

Paul suggested writing off/nullifying past payments due by founding
funders.  Motion passed by consensus; Sascha will make the Quickbook

Paul will clean up our membership and funder contact information so that
future mailings will be much easier.

Sascha discussed a grant that may be comming down the line to help support
regional Indymedia gatherings.  The finance group supports the idea and is
ready to help with disbursements and logistics.

Sascha talked with the landlord about TWO IMPORTANT ITEMS:

Rental of the back space: after utilizing the space for free for 6-months,
the landlords would like to charge rent for the space.  Sascha and Beverly
negotiated a $300/month fee (total IMC rent would be $1000/month).
Finance believes that it would be possible to pay this rent rate.

Buying the building: due to a family emergency, the Beavers would like to
sell their building ASAP; the finance group discussed this issue and some
length.  Generally, the group supports the idea and the following concerns
were raised:

1. Lasers Edge would like to sign a long-term lease on their space.
2. Landlord status could be construed as counter to the IMC's mission and
barter agreements (instead of rent) should be encouraged if fiscally
3. What is the state of the roof, water dammage in the northwest corner of
the building, and the front facade -- are any of these concerns pressing?

Respectfully submitted,


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