[Imc] IMF/WB meetings

Sehvilla Mann smann at stu.parkland.cc.il.us
Sat Aug 31 15:15:50 UTC 2002

 Hi everyone!

This is just a quick email to remind people that the September meetings of the
IMF and World Bank are going to be held Sept. 28th-29th the last weekend of 
that month, and to ask if others from Urbana-Champaign are interested in being 
part of a group that would organize itself to go to the demonstrations.

If people ARE interested in going, let's try to meet as soon as possible! The 
sooner we know what our group looks like, the sooner we could figure out 
transportation and (all-important) HOUSING. 

These particular protests seem more meaningful to me now than ever...


Sehvilla Mann
smann at stu.parkland.cc.il.us
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