Sehvilla is right (was Re: [Imc] twisted locks, twisted security)

Jay Morris jrmorris at
Wed Feb 13 07:13:31 UTC 2002

> I. The front door is going to be replaced. The mechanism is special
> costly. And contrary to what some believe, I think it IS the
> not the door frame. Any repair will have a very short useful life,
> making it uneconomic, EVEN IF WE HAD THE MONEY TO DO SO (which we
> don't).

I forgot that we might be getting a new doorway this summer anyway
(I'll blame my cold for that).  So I agree that the steering group
should weigh the usefulness of replacing the lock, given it's
potentially short life.

> II. We have operated for a whole year before this became an issue. I
> (and probably the rest of the Steering group) want to know "What has
> changed?" recently to make this an issue all of the sudden.

People have been talking about fixing the lock for a long time.
What's changed is that people have moved from "yeah, we should
probably fix that lock, huh?" to "let's finally get that lock fixed".
But again, given the front may be revamped ...

Your back door idea sounds like a good way to get around the problem
in the meantime.


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