[Imc] Steering Notes 1-13-02

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 15 03:56:55 UTC 2002

IMC Steering Group 1-13-02
Present: Jenny, Pauline (facilitating), Paul R. (recording), James, Ellen,
Mike L., Russ, Brian, Becca, Kathryn


Librarians-- James reports that they met last Tuesday, are looking at ways
of tracking their budget.  Sascha says that they should check in with him
b/c he tracks it.  Ellen says that they finished their vertical files.
there' file folders full of ino in the wood filing cabinet -- stuff that
isn't books or mags, pamphlets, fliers, etc.  James says that they're
archiving IMC fliers for institutional history.

Tech -  Paul reports that tech approved $100 to help pay for the new mixer
for Mojo.  Tech is doing a test installation of Philly IMC's Slash, hope it
will work better and allow us to explore new ways of organizing the
newswire.  Dan, Clint and Zach will be working on that this afternoon.  A
local video producer named Raymond is working on a documentary about the
Center for Women in Transition -- came to Tech to pitch the project.  Tech
thinks it looks good, though nobody has time to work on it.  We suggested he
announce it to the whole IMC, have a meeting at the IMC.

Finance -- Budget is done and approved, the groups' money is real, you can
spend it w/o asking.  The IMC has $150.00 a month to spend as necessary for
miscellaneous expenses.  Sascha will post budget info once a month.

News -- Pauline reports that they talked about a lot of changes last Sunday.
The IMC newshour group will be meeting with WEFT Programming Committee in
two weeks, discussing shorteneing newshour to 1/2 hour, and everyone seems
to think it would be a good idea, though then the name would need to change;
Under our Noses, Rocket Science, In one Ear, Under the Radar are some
suggestions.  They changed the meeting time so that they'll meet with the
public i for 45 minutes.  News will now meet 1:15pm and the Print group will
move to 2:00pm instead of 3:00 -- they'll talk about overlapping issues from
2:00 - 2:45pm.  They bought 50 new minidiscs and approved $100 for the new
mixer for Mojo.

Sascha delivers coffee.

Outreach -- Brian reports that they have two projects.  Cabaret begins this
Friday, which is in slight conflict with other event, but they fit together
because the performer wants to jam with locals.  Next Friday they'd like to
get listed in the "Scene" in the Octopus.  Sascha said he and Jenny had a
meeting with the senior editor of the Octopus to find out how best to inform
them of upcoming events.

The other item is the anniversary party scheduled for the 26th -- turns out 
there is a space rental that day that didn't make it into the book.
Currently scheduled for Feb. 9th afternoon, before Aware fundraiser that
evening and after WORT visit.  There are some grumblings about packing
things together like that, maybe a Friday would be better, integrated with
Cabaret.  There aren't a lot of options b/c our back space is very booked.
How about Friday the 8th starting at 6:00pm?  People think that sounds good.
Thus Anniversary Party is scheduled for the Feb. 8th.

Space -- Mike reports that shelves in Production Room are done.  Everybody
loves them.  The mailboxes are here and we need to figure out how to
allocate -- there are still plenty of empty ones right now.  The minidisc
shelves still need some wood purchased, hopes to get them done next weekend
'cause it's a three day weekend.  For $30 we can get a cheap pressed wood
desk for a public terminal.  Feeling that we should hold off.  For hot water
in back we're going to need a new faucet, that's a landlord thing.  Shelves
for back room will need to hold off.  We got a nice chair from our landlords
for the production room.  Looked at back back room with landlords and
electricity won't be as big a problem as we thought first.  Sascha says the
landlords have been amazing, giving us lots of free stuff, and it looks like
we'll be able to get that back area cheaply and with trade for labor.
Pauline asks about the leaky bathroom sink -- Mike says that it's just the
nature of that sink, it got new washers in Aug -- it needs to be turned off
tightly.  We should get a new sink this Spring with handicapped

Old Bizness:

Shows:  Jenny reports that we have a show this Saturday with local bands, we
need two helpers for sound and food and stuff.  Brian says Amy staffs on
Saturday, is happy to help and loves punk.  Who can do sound?  Brian will
train Jenny.

Website: Paul reports that at last Tech meeting the group decided to do a test
install of Philly IMC's website code, based on Slash, b/c it looks more 
stable and
well-written than Active, which we use now.  Would allow us to have a 
Newswire, along the lines of the treatise Paul sent out on e-mail and 
posted to
the website earlier in the week.  Brian notes that the global is also 
similar changes to the Newswire, he sent an e-mail out to the main list with
a link to it.  Paul suggests that the tech group will hold open meetings 
regarding how
to organize the site, but that final determinations should probably be made by
the general membership.  There seems to be general agreement with this

Structure Revisit -- Individual working groups should begin looking at our 
document -- it is posted to the website, link is on right-hand 
column.  Steering also
needs to see how it is and is not following the structure and make 
decisions about
possible changes.  The decision to readopt, change or throw out the 
structure must
be made by the general membership.  Outreach will pick a date for the next
meeting at their next meeting.

WORT visit -- Happening Feb. 9th, Mark E. is coordinating it.

New Biz:

Becca wants to display her art here, she feels that some of it is
challenging, thinks IMC should look at it and decide how it fits in with how
the IMC wants to present itself to the community.  No objections.  Nothing
will be for sale.  Paul says he'd prefer to see people discuss and talk
about any possible objections or strong feelings about art in the space
rather than shy away.  Sascha says that discussions have been sparked by
people's reactions to art posted in the space and thinks it's been a
positive process -- we're here to challenge.  Becca plans art to go up
around the 14th.  Brian asks if there can be other art that can go up for
the Cabaret.  Pauline suggests crafts, too.

Danielle's not here for her item.  Jenny knows about it.  Danielle wants
Charlie King to play here and there are organizations outside the IMC
iterested in having him here, they're willing to pay $400 for a workshop,
but it's $600 to have him play.  Paul notes that we probably don't have
enough space to even begin making the money back.  Ellen asks what's our
capcity?  75 w/o stage, 40-50 with stage is a guess.  If we had the back 
back space,
maybe 100.  Looks like we'd have to get 40 people in at $20 bucks a head --
can we do that?  Doesn't seem likely.  Paul suggests that we could host and
waive the fee for the rental.  Sascha adds that he'd ask for something if it
more than broke even, since it will create work and mess in the space.
Ellen suggests that we could treat it as a rental but waive the fee, so that
the renter would be responsible for the cleaning and publicity.

Last items, Announcements

Russ has a question -- what level of sponsor is the Print group looking for?
Sascha answers that they're looking for $20 a month, Belden is coordinating.

Life in the Bike Lane is having an important meeting on Tuesday a 7pm to
chart the future of the program since Pauline is leaving in March.  Issues
like syndication, representative to WEFT, etc.

Adjourned 12:58 PM.

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