[Imc] Newsgroup notes 1-20-2002

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Jan 20 21:33:10 UTC 2002

IMC Newsgroup

Mike Feltes, Mark Enslin, Pauline Bartolone, Dan Chambers, Danielle 
Chynoweth, Peter Miller

Meeting convened at about 1:30

Newshour (This week, next week, name change)
Programming Committee
Requesting community broadcasting funds

WORT visit
Collaborating with Tech on MoJo

This week by Mike Feltes (30 min)
Mark E. will airshift.
Danielle will edit headlines, print them out, and have them to Mark by 3 
p.m.  chyn at onthejob.net

* Dan C. will write 2
* Danielle will write 1 about destruction of library documents req'd by USA 
PATRIOT anti-terrorism law
* Mark E. Dwell in Joy (feature)

Next Week: Avram is airshifting (he's in Philadelphia right now).

Headlines, generally:  Peter  raised a concern about headlines.  Several 
people submitted headlines last week, but since they required editing, they 
weren't as good as they could have been.  It would have helped to have had 
a headlines editor.

* Need a headlines editor to gather, edit, and deliver headlines to the 
station or to the airshifter.  Some don't need one.  If a producer wants 
one, they should request it.
* Need a standard number of headlines (4-5).  Some have been using the "5 
minute rule", roughly 2 full pages of double-spaced text.

Post the headlines to the web:  It's a shame to put all that work in, then 
for it to just evaporate after the program.  Post the headlines for each 
program to the UCIMC site and to radio.indymedia.org (in case others can 
use them).

NEW NAME:  IMC Radio News, A Production of the Urbana Independent Media 
Center.  (Alternate is "Urbana Independent Media Center Radio News:

Requesting Community Broadcasting Funds
CPB changed their rules.  New rules from the Corporation for Public 
Broadcasting allow us to receive funds for production and non-syndicated 
things from CPB-funded organizations like WEFT.  Danielle suggests that we 
request funds from WEFT for the IMC Radio News.

How much should we request?  When should we request it?
* Danielle suggests requesting $50/program and waiting a little while--the 
next meeting following Thursday--to do it.


2:15 Suspend Agenda
Print Folks are here.  Move the remainder of the agenda to next week:
WORT visit
Collaborating with Tech on MoJo

Announcement:  The new mixer board for MoJo will be wired on Monday (tomorrow).

Useful:  Print and radio groups explain what current features.  Maybe 
they'll be useful to the other group.

Mike F. ran down the recent newshour features:  1/7 Mark Enslin's audio 
from Cuba; 1/14 Peter Miller's story about the federal education bill; 1/21 
Michael Feltes on MLK/"Pacifism in Action"; 1/28 Avram Golden-Trist on 
American Friends Service Committee currently underway (on Iraq); 2/4 Dan 
Chambers on Enron; 2/11 - "Series on Oil & War (& Drugs)" by Daniel, 
Pauline, Avram.  2/18 ? [STILL OPEN]   2/25 Alloy Engineering, Danielle

We discussed the Enron situation -- Belden and Paul offered a couple 
suggestions for readings.  War series attracted some interest/discussion.

Public I Deadline:  Sunday near the 20th of the month.

Dan Chambers will submit his Enron story by Feb. 20.  Mike Feltes will help 
Pauline with her war program for Feb. 20.

Charter School:  Shelley Masar has submitted Nate Banks' draft to Public 
I.  1400 words.  public i will also provide a counterpoint article by Gene 
Vanderport.  How can IMC Radio News use the charter school story?  We 
should interview Nate Banks and Gene and do a point - counterpoint for 
Radio.  Mark Enslin might pick this up?
Print story:  http://print.ucimc.org/front.php3?article_id=164&group=webcast

Reparations for Slavery:  See website.

Public I/ucimc websites:  Putting Public I stories on main IMC 
newswire.  It was discussed and agreed, that the editors for the print 
group will put Public I stories onto the main IMC newswire as they are 
finished.  These should have a tagline on them saying "this article was 
written for the public i which will hit the newstands throughout C-U on 
[insert date here]."  This will offer a teaser for people to read the 
public i.   Nationally, people cruise the ucimc site not the print site for 
news so that's why print and radio need to post things to the main newswire.


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