[Imc] Proposal: Girlzone Grrrlfest Sponsorship

Zachary C. Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Fri Jul 19 01:26:10 UTC 2002

The sense (which is to say we didn't discuss this exact text because I
just wrote it now but I'm sure that everyone in shows agrees with what
I am writing) of the following proposal has been agreed to by the
Space Coordinator (me) and the Shows Working Group and Amy (shows
spoke) will talk about this subject at this week's steering meeting:


The IMC will be a major sponsor of Girlzone's Grrrlfest this year by
hosting shows and workshops throughout the weekend. The IMC space will
be the central space for Grrrlfest (a role served by the University Y
last year).

Grrrlfest events will be Wednesday September 4 (9pm-11pm), Friday
September 5 (7pm-12am), Saturday September 6 (9am-12am) and Sunday
September 7 (9am-11pm). The events will take place primarily in the
middle room and the back performance space. 

Benefits to the IMC: Girlzone will mention the IMC along with our logo
in all their promotional materials as a primary sponsor. Grrrlfest
will be a major community outreach event bringing a lot of new faces
into the IMC. Girlzone is a great ally for the IMC. This will be a
great showcase of the IMC's service to the community.

Benefits to Girlzone: Use of the space for free (they have no budget
with which to get a paid space). The space isn't on campus and so is
more accessible to girls, their families, and other community members.

Drawbacks for the IMC: The space will be flooded with community
members, workshops, and shows throughout the festival. Regularly
scheduled IMC meetings will have to either cancel, reschedule, or
contend with the masses (possibly moving into the production
room). Workshops will not be held in the front area during meetings
but people will be coming and going. 

Historic Precedent: The IMC gave space usage to Grrrlfest last
year. This year we will take on a larger role in Grrrlfest because we
have a larger, more sophisticated space to offer.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology

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