[Imc] Paul K.'s thoughts on conflict resolution

Michael S. Feltes mfeltes at ucimc.org
Mon Jun 24 04:54:42 UTC 2002

Here is a text that Paul asked to have appended to the Steering Group
minutes.  Sorry for the delay; we've been working in the back-back room
all day and I haven't had time to do computery sorts of things.  The note
is transcribed without additions.

Now:  The person-in-conflict is treated as the problem (being the problem
as a favor to the org)

Soon:  The conflict will be an invitation to improve the IMC and the
person-in-conflict will be a 'consultant.'

Now:  The person-in-conflict can only either organize a resolution to the
conflict or stop participating (freq. attempts to organize res. end up w/
an e-mail battle.)

Soon:  The IMC will provide specific resources so that conflicts can be
facilitated to resolution.


IMC volunteers make con-res their dept.:

1. mediation at ucimc.org [Ed. note: an email list, which was approved by
Steering at today's meeting, which will serve as a forum for venting,
discussion, proposals, etc. and help take conflict resolution processes
out of the main list, which interferes with the IMC's other business.]
2. CONFLICT BOARD - a web-space and bull. board space where conflicts can
be broadcast
3. Third-Party Advocate/Consultation Invitation protocol.

If I were a volunteer whose chosen task was minding mediation at ucimc.org, I
would always respond with questions, not commands.  I would always opt out
when I had a personal stake in an issue.  I would always try to find an
advocate who could attend the applicable working group meeting on behalf
of the person-in-conflict.  That advocate would go to the Steering
Committee when more than one working group is involved, when more
consultation is needed &c.

Michael Feltes
mfeltes at ucimc.org

"You may share in the labours of the great, but you will not share in the
spoil."  -Aesop

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