[Imc] Shows group: 6/26/02 meeting minutes.

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Thu Jun 27 03:04:42 UTC 2002

Shows group: 6/26/02 meeting minutes.

Present: Clint P., Greg K., Jason P-W., Jay E., Mike F. (facilitator).,
Sascha M. (notes)., Molly D., Jeff S.


1.  Book-Burning (due to the new on-line calendar):
	a. shows are not yet in the calendar.
	b. http://shows.ucimc.org/calendar is the shows calendar
	c. ALL SHOWS should now be documented on-line (YEAH!)
	d. user name & password should be added -- will be added by Clint
-- talk with any of the folks present at this meeting to get them.

2.  Upcoming Shows
	a. What are the July shows?

3.  Review Upcoming Shows
	a. july 3  neon hunk, mammel, hair police, nautical almanac,
		charlton heston and the damn dirty apes $5
		zach on sound
	b. july 5  brandon t & lorenzo getz & kate hathaway $3-10
		taken care of
	c. july 6  new grenada & hi lo & salt water vampires $???
		greg door
	d. july 7  against me & fiya & humpty dumpster $???
		paul & jane
	e. july 12 he who corrupts & tusk & lay dig & solo mono & tr $5-10
		greg & paul
	f. july 13 temple of low men & the invisible & synesthesia $5
		zach & arun
	g. july 19 i am the world trade center & mark mallman & dynamo
		theorem $???
		done & done
	h. july 20 dave king & ad/hd & TBA
		taken care of
	i. july 26 GRRRLFEST violents & jigsaw & TBA
	j. july 27 dalet-yod & 48 sin $4
		alles goot


4.  Photography
	a. what should we do?
	b. we want to use the photos -- need to post the photos to public
	c. we need someone to be here on the 3rd to show how to upload
		photos to the web.
	d. different types of batteries mean that it could destroy the
	e. molly will work to take care of things.

5.  Staffing Levels (at shows)
	a. hard to sell drinks at shows.
	b. we will want to have a third person selling stuff at happening
	c. we should get bottled water for sale.

6.  Theater
	a. there's a play coming to the IMC in August -- 2 weekends + a
		dress reheersal on another day.
	b. the folks running the play want to have dress rehersals -- so
		they will rehearse when there isn't anything else
		happening.  rehertzals will not bump any scheduled events.
	c. Brian Hagy will coordinate the play.

7.  Brian's Snake
	a. Brian will buy the snake (if the shows group has money we will
		pay him for it).
	b. we should think about buying monitors also.

8.  Show?
	a. Sad Device would like to play a show.
	b. we don't know who was asking for a show...

We should think about moving the shows meeting to an earlier time.

Respectfully submitted,


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